Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 13
Showing: Items 1 - 13
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Lioy AND Paul AND J)

Select Item Title Year Published
A guide to the use of factor analysis and multiple regression (FA/MR) techniques in source apportionment / 1985
Aerosols, anthropogenic and natural, sources and transport / 1980
Air sampling instruments for evaluation of atmospheric contaminants / 1983
Development of an indirect sampler for the estimation of dermal exposure to pesticides in housedust 1999
Dust : the inside story of its role in the September 11th aftermath / 2010
Exposure science : basic principles and applications / 2014
Human exposure assessment for airborne pollutants : advances and opportunities / 1991
Personal and ambient exposures to air toxics in Camden, New Jersey / 2011
Receptor model technique series IV : a guide to the use of factor analysis and multiple regression (FA/MR) techniques in source apportionment / 1985
Receptor models for airborne organic species / 1985
Receptor models for airborne organic species / 1985
Toxic air pollutant guidelines : review of recent progress and problems / 1988
Toxic air pollution : a comprehensive study of non-criteria air pollutants / 1987

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