Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 35
Showing: Items 1 - 35
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Lindstrom AND A)

Select Item Title Year Published
An Empirical SI Combustion Model Using Laminar Burning Velocity Correlations / 2005
Assessing Potential Exposures from Routine Use of VOC-Contaminated Groundwater. 1993
Bake-out of a portion of a new high-rise office building 1991
Bioremediation monitoring program : interim report / 1990
Bioremediation Monitoring Program. 1990
Certification of Three NIST Renewal Soil Standard Reference Materials for Element Content: SRM 2709a San Joaquin Soil, SRM 2710a Montana Soil I, and SRM 2711a Montana Soil II. 2010
CTSPAC: Mathematical Model for Coupled Transport of Water, Solutes, and Heat in the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum. Volume 1. Mathematical Theory and Transport Concepts. 1988
Denitrification in homogenous laboratory scale aquifiers : preliminary model for transport and fate of a single compound : project summary / 1990
Denitrification in nonhomogeneous laboratory scale aquifers 4; Hydraulics, nitrogen chemistry, and microbiology in a single layer {microform} / 1991
Denitrification in nonhomogeneous laboratory scale aquifers : 1. Preliminary model for transport and fate of a single compound / 1990
Denitrification in nonhomogeneous laboratory scale aquifers : 1. Preliminary model for transport and fate of a single compound / 1990
Denitrification in nonhomogeneous laboratory scale aquifers : 4. Hydraulics, nitrogen chemistry, and microbiology in a single layer / 1991
Denitrification in nonhomogenous laboratory scale aquifer Hydraulics, nitrogen chemistry, and microbiology in a single layer / 1991
Denitrification in nonhomogenous laboratory scale aquifers preliminary model for transport and fate of a single compound / 1990
Enhancing percolation rates in heap leaching of gold-silver ores 1979
Gasoline-Contaminated Ground Water as a Source of Residential Benzene Exposure: A Case Study. 1994
Household Exposures to Benzene from Showering with Gasoline-Contaminated Ground Water. 1992
Investigation of the Indoor Air Quality of the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Located at 3800 Barrett Drive, Raleigh, North Carolina. 1990
Keys to the seaweeds and seagrasses of Oregon and California, north of Point Conception / 2004
Mathematical Model for the Transport and Fate of Organic Chemicals in Unsaturated/Saturated Soils. 1985
Mathematical Model of Plant Uptake and Translocation of Organic Chemicals: Development of the Model. 1991
Mathematical Model of Plant Uptake and Translocations of Organic Chemicals: Application to Experiments. 1991
Mite Antigen Concentrations in House Dust and the Occurrence of Wheezing in Children with Dust Mite Allergy. 1993
Multizonal Mass Balance Modeling of Benzene Dispersion in a Private Residence. 1992
North Pacific seaweeds / 2000
Particle TEAM (PTEAM) study : analysis of the data : final report 1996
Recovery of silver and mercury from mill tailings by electrooxidation 1972
Small data : the tiny clues that uncover huge trends / 2016
Southeast Alaska's rocky shores : seaweeds and lichens / 1996
Time-Course and Sensitivity of Muconic Acid as a Biomarker for Human Environmental Exposure to Benzene. 1992
Transport and Affinity of Substituted Benzenes in Soybean Stems. 1987
Transport and fate of water and chemicals in laboratory scale, single layer aquifers 1989
Transportation of hazardous materials issues in law, social science, and engineering / 1993
UAF Radiorespirometric Protocol for Assessing Hydrocarbon Mineralization Potential in Environmental Samples. 1992
User's guide for the mathematical model LT3VSI denitrification in nonhomogeneous laboratory scale aquifers 1991

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