Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 47
Showing: Items 1 - 47
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Select Item Title Year Published
Ambient air/source transport and transformation relationships for selected hazardous air pollutants / 1986
Aquatic Plants from Minnesota. Part IV. Nutrient Composition. 1973
Arsenic (3) and arsenic (5) removal from drinking water in San Ysidro, New Mexico microfiche / 1991
Arsenic (III) and arsenic (V) removal from drinking water in San Ysidro, New Mexico / 1991
Automatic Analysis of Dissolved Metal Pollutants in Water by Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy. 1982
Can Asian Dust Trigger Phytoplankton Blooms in the Oligotrophic Northern South China Sea. 2012
Catalyzing inquiry at the interface of computing and biology / 2005
Comparison of the Effects of Acute and Subacute Treatment of Phenobarbital in Different Strains of Mice. 1989
Comparison of the Effects of Acute and Subacute Treatment of Phenobarbital in Different Strains of Mice. 1989
Considerations in granular activated carbon treatment of combined industrial wastewaters / 1983
Construction and Evaluation of a Flow Test Stand. 1984
Dose-Dependency of 2-Acetylaminofluorene Binding to Liver DNA and Hemoglobin in Mice and Rats. 1981
Effect of Simulated Acid Rain on Nitrification and Nitrogen Mineralization in Forest Soils. 1981
Effects of nutrient enrichment, light intensity, and temperature on growth of phytoplankton from Lake Huron / 1979
Effects of nutrient enrichment, light intensity, and temperature on growth of phytoplankton from Lake Huron / 1978
Effects of Trichloroethylene and Its Metabolites on Rodent Hepatocyte Intercellular Communication. 1989
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program. Estuaries West Indian Province 1993 Sampling. Technical Report: A Synoptic Survey of the Benthic Macroinvertebrates and Demersal Fishes of the Tampa Bay Estuarine System. 1996
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program. Estuaries West Indian Province 1993 Sampling. Volume 2. Executive Summary: A Synoptic Survey of the Benthic Macroinvertebrates and Demersal Fishes of the Tampa Bay Estuarine System. 1996
Genotoxic Properties of Haloacetonitriles: Drinking Water By-Products of Chlorine Disinfection. 1986
Glutathione Plus Cytosol- and Microsome-Mediated Binding of 1,2-Dichloroethane to Polynucleotides. 1985
Haloacetonitrile Excretion as Thiocyanate and Inhibition of Dimethylnitrosamine Demethylase: A Proposed Metabolic Scheme. 1984
Handbook of environmental engineering calculations / 2007
Handbook of environmental engineering calculations / 2000
Industrial process fugitive emissions inventory for the Region V Great Lakes shoreline / 1980
Interaction of Haloacetonitriles with Glutathione and Glutathione-S-Transferase. 1989
Ion Budgets in a Seepage Lake. 1987
Macromolecular Adduction by Trichloroacetonitrile in the Fischer 344 Rat Following Oral Gavage. 1992
Mathematical models associated with point and line source discharges in rivers / 1983
Mathematical Models Associated with Point Line Source Discharges in Rivers. 1983
Measurement techniques for inorganic trace materials in control system streams / 1976
Nitrate Removal from Drinking Water in Glendale, Arizona. 1986
Optimization of liquid-liquid extraction methods for analysis of organics in water / 1983
Optimization of liquid-liquid extraction methods for analysis of organics in water : project summary / 1984
Quantifying children's microlevel activity data from existing videotapes. / 2000
Relationship between the Metabolism of Haloacetonitriles and Chloroform and Their Carcinogenic Activity. 1984
Review of the FBI's trilogy information technology modernization program 2004
Role of O6-Methylation in the Initiation of GGTase-Positive Foci. 1983
Seasonal Variation of Potential Nutrient Limitation to Chlorophyll Production in Southern Lake Huron. 1981
Status and Trends of Selected Living Resources in the Galveston Bay System. 1992
Thermal analysis of the ISCO 1680 portable wastewater sampler / 1980
Thermal Analysis of the Manning S-4000 Portable Wastewater Sampler. 1980
Trihalomethanes as Initiators and Promoters of Carcinogenesis. 1982
Updated user-friendly computer programs for solving sampling and statistical problems / 1993
Updated user-friendly computer programs for solving sampling and statistical problems : project summary / 1994
User-friendly IBM PC computer programs for solving sampling and statistical problems / 1986
Water and wastewater calculations manual / 2001
Water and wastewater calculations manual / 2007

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