Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 47
Showing: Items 1 - 47
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Lewis AND P AND A)

Select Item Title Year Published
A field evaluation of in-situ biodegradation for aquifer restoration / 1987
A temporal and spatial study of invertebrate communities associated with hard-bottom habitats in the South Atlantic Bight / 1984
Alteration of Circulating Antibody Response of Mice Exposed to 9-GHz Pulsed Microwaves. 1980
Analysis of carbonaceous aerosols using the thermal optical transmittance and thermal optical reflectance methods / 1999
Boston : a geographical portrait 1976
Chesapeake Bay watershed model application and calculation of nutrient and sediment loadings : appendix B : phase IV Chesapeake Bay watershed model water quality results / 1998
Chronic Effects of Three Crude Oils on Oysters Suspended in Estuarine Ponds. 1978
Chronic neurological sequelae of acute organophosphate pesticide poisoning : an epidemiologic study {Microfiche} : final report / 1982
Condition of South Carolina's Estuarine and Coastal Habitats During 1999-2000. Summary Report. 2002
Control Technology: 1992 Update of U.S. EPA's Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) Emerging Technology Program. 1992
Effect of 9.6-GHz Pulsed Microwaves on the Orb Web Spinning Ability of the Cross Spider (Araneus Diadematus). 1986
Emissions from Sludge Incinerators with Venturi and Tray Scrubbers and Wet Electrostatic Precipitators: Metals, Chromium and Nickel Compounds, and Organics. 1993
Evaluation of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Biomass Methodology. Part 1. Laboratory Analytical Methods. 1983
Evaluation of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Biomass Methodology. Part 2. Field Assessment and Data Evaluation. 1985
Evaluation of infiltration/inflow program : final report (draft) / 1980
Evaluation of infiltration/inflow program final report (draft). 1980
Facilities and plant engineering handbook. 1973
Fundamentals of project management 1995
Hydrogeologic Framework, Ground Water Quality, and Simulation of Ground Water Flow at the Fair Lawn Well Field Superfund Site, Bergen County, New Jersey. 2004
In-situ biotransformation of carbon tetrachloride under anoxic conditions / 1991
Macroinvertebrate field and laboratory methods for evaluating the biological integrity of surface waters / 1990
Meeting Minutes of FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act) Scientific Advisory Panel Meeting, June 8-10, 2004, held at the Holiday Inn Arlington, Arlington, Virginia. A Set of Scientific Issues Being Considered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Regarding: Product Characterization, Human Health Risk, Ecological Risk, And Insect Resistance Management For 'Bacillus thuringiensis' (Bt) Cotton Products. 2004
Merritt's neurology / 2005
Methodologies for evaluating in-situ bioremediation of chlorinated solvents / 1992
Methodology for Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Other Semivolatile Organic Compounds in House Dust. 1993
Monitoring for Non-Occupational Exposure to Pesticides in Indoor and Personal Respiratory Air. 1986
New Jersey environmental law 1991
Nutrient Limitation and Adaption of Microbial Populations to Chemical Transformations. 1986
Ohio River cooling water study 1974
Performance evaluation of existing lagoons, Peterborough, New Hampshire / 1977
Phase Distributions of Airborne Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Two U.S. Cities. 1992
Physical and Chemical Indicators of Urban Visual Air Quality Judgments. 1984
Phytoplankton and zooplankton composition, abundance and distribution and trophic interactions : offshore region of Lakes [i.e. Lake] Erie, Lake Huron and Lake Michigan : 1985 / 1989
Predicting 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid Ester Transformation Rates in Periphyton-Dominated Ecosystems. 1983
Predicting the Rate of Trace-Organic Compound Removal by Natural Biofilms. 1988
Proceedings of the fifth annual Conference on Restoration of Coastal Vegetation in Florida : May 13, 1978, Hillsborough Community College, Tampa, Florida / 1978
Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Conference on Restoration of Coastal Vegetation in Florida : May 14, 1977, Hillsborough Community College, Tampa, Florida / 1977
Relationship Between Ambient Carbon Monoxide Levels, Postmortem Carboxyhemoglobin, Sudden Death and Myocardial Infarction. 1974
Selected Bibliography on the Toxicology of the Benthic Invertebrates and Periphyton. 1982
Short-Term Chronic Toxicity Test Using 'Daphnia magna'. 1987
Short-term methods for estimating the chronic toxicity of effluents and receiving waters to freshwater organisms / 1994
Short-term methods for estimating the chronic toxicity of effluents and receiving waters to marine and estuarine organisms / 1988
The aquatic biology program at the Environmental Monitoring and Support Laboratory - Cincinnati, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio / 1984
The Macmillan dictionary of political quotations / 1993
Transport and Fate of Diethyl Phthalate in Aquatic Ecosystems. 1984
Treating Soil Solution Samplers to Prevent Microbial Removal of Analytes. 1992
What to Do Before You 'Nuke' Your Multiple Hearth Furnace: Practical Tips and Techniques for Improving Operation, Reducing Emissions and Meeting the Regulations. 1993

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