Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 17
Showing: Items 1 - 17
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Levins AND Philip AND L)

Select Item Title Year Published
Analysis of the odorous compounds in diesel engine exhaust, 1972
Characterization and separation of secondary effluent components by molecular weight / 1971
Characterization and separation of secondary effluent components by molecular weight / 1971
Chemical impact of snow dumping practices 1974
Environmental assessment measurement methods for organic species / 1982
Environmental Assessment Measurement Methods for Organic Species. 1982
Evaluation of protocols for pesticides and PCB's in raw wastewater / 1979
Furthur characterization of sorbents for environmental sampling / 1979
Laboratory evaluation of level 1 organic analysis procedures / 1982
Manual methods for sampling and analysis of particulate emissions from municipal incinerators / 1973
Measurement of PCB emissions from combustion sources / 1979
Proceedings of Symposium on Process Measurements for Environmental Assessment (2nd), Held at the Sheraton-Atlanta Hotel in Atlanta, Georgia on February 25-27, 1980. 1981
Proceedings second Symposium on Process Measurements for Environmental Assessment / 1982
Proceedings, second Symposium on Process Measurements for Environmental Assessment / 1980
Proceedings, second Symposium on Process Measurements for Environmental Assessment, February 25-27, 1980 / 1982
Sources of toxic pollutants found in influents to sewage treatment plants / 1979
Sources of toxic pollutants found in influents to sewage treatment plants : IV, R.M. Clayton Drainage Basin, Atlanta, Georgia / 1979

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