Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 29
Showing: Items 1 - 29
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Lee AND G AND Fred)

Select Item Title Year Published
A national policy for phosphate control in the environment / 1973
Algal nutrient availability and limitation in Lake Ontario during IFYGL : appendices to part I : available phosphorus in urban runoff and Lake Ontario tributary waters / 1976
Algal nutrient availability and limitation in Lake Ontario during IFYGL : part I : available phosphorus in urban runoff and Lake Ontario tributary waters / 1976
Algal nutrient availability and limitation in Lake Ontario during IFYGL : Part II. Nitrogen available in Lake Ontario tributary water samples and urban runoff from Madison, Wisconsin / 1977
Algal nutrient availability and limitation in Lake Ontario during IFYGL, part III : algal nutrient limitation in Lake Ontario during IFYGL / 1977
Algal nutrient availability and limitation in Lake Ontario during IFYGL, part III : appendices to Part III. algal nutrient limitation inLake Ontario during IFYGL / 1977
Algal Nutrient Availability and Limitation in Lake Ontario During IFYGL. Appendices to Part I. Available Phosphorus in Urban Runoff and Lake Ontario Tributary Waters. 1976
Algal Nutrient Availability and Limitation in Lake Ontario during IFYGL. Appendices to Part III. Algal Nutrient Limitation in Lake Ontario during IFYGL. 1977
An evaluation of hazardous chemicals in Lake Ontario during IFYGL / 1980
Application of the OECD eutrophication modeling approach to estuaries ; Effect of eutrophication on fisheries ; An approach for assessing the water quality significance of chemical contaminants in urban lakes / 1979
Aquatic disposal field investigations, Galveston, Texas, offshore disposal site : appendix B : investigation of water-quality parameters and physicochemical parameters : final report / 1977
Chlorinated hydrocarbons in the Lake Ontario ecosystem (IFYGL) / 1975
Effect of cooling tower blowdown water on receiving water quality : a literature review / 1972
Eutrophication / 1970
Eutrophication / 1970
Eutrophication of Lake Ray Hubbard, Dallas, Texas. 1978
Evaluation of the elutriate test as a method of predicting contaminant release during open-water disposal of dredged sediments and environmental impact of open-water dredged material disposal : vol. I : discussion : final report / 1978
Evaluation of the elutriate test as a method of predicting contaminant release during open-water disposal of dredged sediments and environmental impact of open-water dredged material disposal : vol. II : data report : final report / 1978
Factors affecting the transfer of materials between water and sediments, 1970
Final report on impact of organic solvents on the integrity of clay liners for industrial waste disposal pits : implications for groundwater contamination 1979
Impact of organic solvents on the integrity of clay liners for industrial waste disposal pits : implications for groundwater contamination / 1979
Investigation of inhibitory factors in processes for continuous conversion of cellulosic biomass to ethanol : final report / 1996
Literature review on research study for the development of dredged material disposal criteria 1974
Literature review on research study for the development ofdredged material disposal criteria 1974
Research study for the development of dredged material disposal criteria : final report / 1975
Septic tank disposal systems as phosphorus sources for surface waters / 1977
Studies on the recovery of phthalate esters from fish 1976
Summary analysis of the North American (US portion) OECD eutrophication project : nutrient loading--lake response relationships and trophic state indices / 1978
Water quality characteristics of the US waters of Lake Ontario during IFYGL and modeling contaminant load-water quality response relationships in the nearshore waters of the Great Lakes / 1979

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