Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 60
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Your Search: (AUTHOR=Lee AND Richard)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A study of radon and airborne particulates at phosphogypsum stacks in central Florida / 1988
An emanation system for determining small quantities of radium-226 / 1964
Analysis of Specialized Pesticide Problems Invertebrate Control Agents - Efficacy Test Methods. Volume VI. Lawns, Ornamentals, Forest Lands. 1977
Assessing UST corrective action technologies : diagnostic evaluation of In situ SVE-based system performance : project summary / 1996
Atmospheric reaction products from hazardous air pollutant degradation 1985
Attenuation of naturally-occurring arsenic at petroleum impacted sites / 2011
Basic Study of Air Pollution Control Wet Scrubbers. 1966
Bibliography on degradation of textiles by microorganisms, weathering and atmospheric pollutants 1962
Biochrome analysis as a method for assessing phytoplankton dynamics phase I / 1974
Biogeochemistry of Benzanthracene in an Enclosed Marine Ecosystem. 1982
Biological Processes Affecting the Distribution of Pollutants in Marine Sediments. Part I. Accumulation, Trophic Transfer, Biodegradation and Migration. 1980
Biological Processes Affecting the Distribution of Pollutants in Marine Sediments. Part II. Biodeposition and Bioturbation. 1980
Captan Hydrolysis. 1976
Carcinogenic effects of Black Rock Harbor sediment on American oysters and winter flounder / 1987
Chemical and photochemical transformation of selected pesticides in aquatic systems / 1976
Chemistry of Organomercurials in Aquatic Systems. 1973
Condition of estuaries and bays of Hawaii for 2002 : a statistical summary / 2007
Determination of emissions credit and average test times for IM147 testing / 1999
Dirt! : the movie / 2010
Dynamic behavior of vinyl chloride in aquatic ecosystems / 1976
Establishment and growth of selected freshwater and coastal marsh plants in relation to characteristics of dredged sediments : final report / 1977
Field application of a permeable reactive barrier for treatment of arsenic in ground water / 2008
Field study of the fate of arensic, lead, and zinc at the ground-water/surface-water interface / 2005
Firefly luciferase ATP assay development for monitoring bacterial concentrations in water supplies / 1981
Forest hydrology / 1980
General decisionmaking framework for management of dredged material : example application to Commencement Bay, Washington / 1986
Geologic map and sections of Rancho del Chaparral Quadrangle, New Mexico / 1973
Geologic map and sections of San Miguel Mountain Quadrangle, New Mexico / 1974
Geologic map and sections of San Pablo quadrangle, New Mexico / 1973
Geology of San Ysidro Quadrangle, New Mexico, 1976
How to construct fractional factorial experiments 1991
How to divide medical words : over twenty-five thousand words in common usage showing their spellings and combinations into syllables / 1972
Kinetics of Chemical Degradation of Malathion in Water. 1976
Light-Induced Transformations of Methoxychlor in Aquatic Systems. 1975
Marking and tagging of aquatic animals : an indexed bibliography / 1987
Methods for assessing exposure to chemical substances. 1985
Methoxychlor and DDT Degradation in Water: Rates and Products. 1977
National fire alarm and signaling code handbook / 2012
New microbial indicators of wastewater chlorination efficiency / 1974
Precipitation scavenging of organic contaminants; final report. 1974
Preliminary environmental assessment of an electric power generation plant site in the Weller Slough area, McLean County, North Dakota 1973
Processes Affecting the Fate of Oil in the Sea. 1980
Radiological surveillance studies at the Oyster Creek BWR Nuclear Generating Station / 1976
Radiological Survey of San Diego Bay / 1989
Radiological survey of the Norfolk Naval Station, the Norfolk Naval Shipyard, and Newport News Shipbuilding / 1988
Radiological surveys of naval facilities in New London Harbor and on the Thames River, Connecticut / 1991
Radiological surveys of naval facilities on Puget Sound / 1989
Singlet Oxygen in Natural Waters. 1977
Statistical design and analysis of experiments : with applications to engineering and science / 1989
Study of phytoplankton dynamics in Lake Fayetteville as a means of assessing water quality 1971
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