Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
2008 National Emissions Inventory : review, analysis and highlights / 2013
A hydrographic survey of the Galveston Bay system, Texas, 1963-66 1971
A preliminary assessment of the environmental impacts from oil shale developments / 1977
A sense of wonder : two interviews with Rachel Carson / 2009
A study of radon and airborne particulates at phosphogypsum stacks in central Florida / 1988
A summary of EPA radon chamber tests and results for rounds 3 and 4 of the National Radon Measurement Proficiency Program / 1993
Accumulation Factors for Eleven Polychlorinated Biphenyl Congeners. 1990
Acid/neutral continuous liquid/liquid extraction of priority pollutants and hazardous substance list compounds / 1988
Acute Effects of Diisopropyl Fluorophosphate (DFP) on Autonomic and Behavioral Thermoregulatory Responses in the Long-Evans Rat. 1991
Advances in pest control research. 1957
Aerosols: Research, Risk Assessment and Control Strategies. Proceedings of the U.S.-Dutch International Symposium, Williamsburg, Virginia, May 19-25, 1985 (2nd). 1986
An analysis of the dynamics of DDT and its derivatives, DDD and DDE, in marine sediments / 1975
An analysis of the dynamics of DDT in marine sediments / 1975
An ecological assessment of the Louisiana Tensas River Basin / 1999
Analysis of the Dynamics of DDT and Its Derivatives, DDD and DDE, in Marine Sediments. 1974
Analytical chemistry of polycyclic aromatic compounds / 1981
Analytical supercritical fluid chromatography and extraction 1990
Applicability of the Meyers process for chemical desulfurization of coal / 1974
Area source documentation for the 1985 National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program inventory / 1989
Assessing UST corrective action technologies : diagnostic evaluation of In situ SVE-based system performance : project summary / 1996
Assessment of coal cleaning technology / 1978
Assessment of VOC emissions from well vents associated with thermally enhanced oil recovery : final report / 1981
Assessment/review of methanol technology and utilization as a fuel 1982
Atmospheric reaction products from hazardous air pollutant degradation 1985
Atmospheric reaction products from hazardous air pollutant degradation : final report / 1985
Atmospheric reaeration in a lake 1977
Background document to the integrated risk assessment for dioxins and furans from chlorine bleaching in pulp and paper mills / 1990
Beck and Braithwaite's Invertebrate zoology : a laboratory manual. 1989
Bedrock and surficial geology of the McConnellsburg quadrangle, Pennsylvania / 1966
Behavioral toxicology early detection of occupational hazards / 1974
Bibliography on asbestos in schools / 1985
Biodegradation of atrazine in subsurface environments / 1992
Catalysis Research at IGT. (Reprint). 1988
Cecil medicine / 2008
Cecil textbook of medicine / 2000
Centrifuge technology for minimizing petroleum tank bottoms / 1994
Challenge of California : text and readings 1976
Chemical and photochemical transformation of selected pesticides in aquatic systems / 1976
Chemical-specific parameters for toxicity characteristic contaminants / 1991
Chemistry of Organomercurials in Aquatic Systems. 1973
Chlorinated hydrocarbons in the Lake Ontario ecosystem (IFYGL) / 1975
Citizen perception of coastal area planning and development : a study of the attitudes and knowledge of Louisianians / 1976
Classifying Soils for Acidic Deposition Aquatic Effects: A Scheme for the Northeast USA. 1989
Combined sewer overflow abatement alternatives Washington, D.C. / 1970
Comparison of Aqueous and Solid-Phase Uptake for Hexachlorobenzene in the Tellinid Clam Macoma nasuta (Conrad): A Mass Balance Approach. 1990
Comparison of Sorption Energetics for Hydrophobic Organic Chemicals by Synthetic and Natural Sorbents from Methanol/Water Solvent Mixtures. 1989
Condition of estuaries of the western United States for 1999 : a statistical summary / 2005
Confidence Intervals and Curvature Measures in Nonlinear Regression Using the IML and NLIN Procedures in SAS (Trade Name) Software. 1990
Correlation of Microbial Degradation Rates with Chemical Structure. 1980
Cosolvency and Sorption of Hydrophobic Organic Chemicals. 1990
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