Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 1367
Showing: Items 1351 - 1367
Your Search: (AUTHOR=LEE AND T)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Wetlands and water quality : a regional review of recent research in the United States on the role of freshwater and saltwater wetlands as sources, sinks, and transformers of nitrogen, phosphorus, and various heavy metals / 1986
Wetlands detection methods investigation / 1991
Wetlands detection methods investigation / 1991
Wetlands detection methods investigation : project summary / 1991
What you don't know can hurt you : EPA's teleconference on SQG. 1986
When smoke ran like water : tales of environmental deception and the battle against pollution / 2004
When smoke ran like water : tales of environmental deception and the battle against pollution / 2002
Windows into the earth : the geologic story of Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks / 2000
Winter flounder contaminant and pathological survey : Narragansett Bay and vicinity / 1991
Woman's guide to successful negotiating : how to convince, collaborate, and create your way to agreement / 2002
Working with NEPA : environmental impact analysis for the resource manager 1975
Workshop on health effects of transportation-related pollutants / 1978
Workshop on health effects of transportation-related pollutants : Sheraton-Crabtree Motor Inn, Raleigh, North Carolina, June 15-16, 1977 / 1978
Zebra mussels in the Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron ecosystem : (reprinted Journal of Great Lakes research, volume 21, no. 4) / 1995
[NACEPT advice letter on integrated modeling]. 2008
[Recommendations for EPA's State Environmental Justice Cooperative Agreement Initiative]. 2008
[Strengthening the participation of business and industry in environmental justice, green business, and sustainability]. 2008
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