Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 1367
Showing: Items 401 - 450

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Select Item Title Year Published
Effect of Simulated Acid Rain on Seedling Emergence and Growth of Eleven Woody Species. 1978
Effect of Simulated Sulfuric Acid Rain on the Chemistry of a Sulfate-Adsorbing Forest Soil. 1985
Effect of Simulated Sulfuric Acid Rain on Yield, Growth, and Foliar Injury of Several Crops. 1980
Effect of technical DDT on eggshell structure on Coturnix quail (Coturnix coturnix) and brown pelicans (Pelicanus occidentalis). 1973
Effective operation and maintenance procedures for control of emissions from wet-coal charging, topside leaks, and door leaks 1983
Effects of fuel oxygenates, cetane number, and aromatic content on emissions from 1994 and 1998 prototype heavy-duty diesel engines 1995
Effects of highway-deicer application on ground-water quality in a part of the Calumet Aquifer, Northwestern Indiana / 2002
Effects of Increasing Doses of Sulfur Dioxide and Ambient Ozone on Tomatoes: Plant Growth, Leaf Injury, Elemental Composition, Fruit Yields, and Quality. 1986
Effects of Increasing Salinity on the Pyramid Lake Fishery. 1972
Effects of Iron Content in Coal Combustion Fly Ashes on Speciation of Mercury. 2001
Effects of Mirex and Methoxychlor on Striped Mullet, 'Mugil cephalus L'. 1974
Effects of mirex and methoxychlor on striped mullet, Mugil cephalus L. / 1975
Effects of Ozone and Soil Water Deficit on Roots and Shoots of Field-Grown Soybeans. 1988
Effects of Parameter Uncertainty on Long-Term Simulations of Lake Alkalinity. 1990
Effects of Phenol Molecular Structure on Bacterial Transformation Rate Constants in Pond and River Samples. 1983
Effects of pond characteristics on biotic exposures / 1991
Effects of Secondary Air Injection During Cold Start of SI Engines / 2010
Effects of Sulfuric Acid Rain on Decomposition Rate and Chemical Element Content of Hardwood Leaf Litter. 1983
Effects of Sulfuric Acid Rain on Major Cation and Sulfate Concentrations of Water Percolating Through Two Model Hardwood Forests. 1982
Effects of sulfuric acid rain on two model hardwood forests : throughfall, litter leachate, and soil solution / 1980
Effects of the eruptions of Mount St. Helens on physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of surface water, ground water, and precipitation in the western United States 1996
Effects of Trends in Tillage Practices on Erosion and Carbon Content of Soils in the U.S. Corn Belt. 1993
Effects of Ultraviolet-B Radiation on Primary Production along Latitudinal Transects in the South Pacific Ocean. 1993
Efficacy of Ozone Exposure Indices in the Standard Setting Process. 1990
Efficiency of Uptake of Hexachlorobenzene from Water by the Tellinid Clam, 'Macoma nasuta'. 1988
El problema con los sistemas de disposicion de poca profundidad [videorecording] [Spanish] / 2001
Electric power and the future of the Pacific Northwest 1980
Electrical and biological effects of transmission lines : a review / 1989
Electrical and biological effects of transmission lines : A review / 1993
Electrical and biological effects of transmission lines a review / 1986
Electrolytic method for recovery of lead from scrap batteries 1981
Electrolytic method for recovery of lead from scrap batteries : scale-up study using 20-liter multielectrode cell / 1984
Electronic Data Analysis and Laboratory Fraud / 2004
Electronic system integration and systems engineering / 2002
Elemental Mercury Adsorption by Activated Carbon Treated with Sulfuric Acid. 2000
Elementary differential equations / 2006
Emerging issues in the interface between trade, climate change and sustainable energy 2005
Emissions from street vendor cooking devices : charcoal grilling / 1999
Emissions of polychlorinated biphenyls as products of incomplete combustion from incinerators 1999
Energy and mineral resources of Utah / 1991
Energy model of a cadmium stream with correlation of embodied energy and toxicity 1981
Energy model of a cadmium stream with correlation of embodied energy and toxicity / 1982
Energy model of a cadmium stream with correlation of embodied energy and toxicity {microform} / 1982
Energy use in the service sector : an international perspective 1985
Enforcement response policy / 1984
Engineering and cost study of air pollution control for the petrochemical industry : volume 1 : carbon black manufacture by the furnace process / 1974
Engineering and cost study of air pollution control for the petrochemical industry : volume 3 : ethylene dichloride manufacture by oxychlorination / 1974
Engineering and cost study of air pollution control for the petrochemical industry : volume 5 : formaldehyde manufacture with the mixed oxide catalyst process / 1975
Engineering and Cost Study of Air Pollution Control for the Petrochemical Industry, Volume 2: Acrylonitrile Manufacture. 1975
Engineering and Cost Study of Air Pollution Control for the Petrochemical Industry. Volume 4: Formaldehyde Manufacture with the Silver Catalyst Process. 1975
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