Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 1367
Showing: Items 301 - 350

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Select Item Title Year Published
Degradation of jet fuel hydrocarbons by aquatic microbial communities 1983
Degradation of metals in the atmosphere : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee G-1 on Corrosion of Metals, Philadelphia, PA, 12-13 May 1986 / 1987
Demonstration of a geographic information system for ground water protection / 1988
Demonstration of a leachate treatment plant : interim report. 1977
Demonstration of a scenario approach for technology assessment transportation sector / [electronic resource] : 2004
Depuration Kinetics of Hexachlorobenzene in the Clam, 'Macoma nasuta'. 1990
Design and evaluation of a terrestrial model ecosystem for evaluation of substitute pesticide chemicals / 1979
Design and Performance of a Field Exposure System for Evaluation of the Ecological Effects of SO2 on Native Grassland. 1981
Design of a field spectrophotometer lab / 1971
Design of a laboratory for particulate analysis / 1981
Design of a Laboratory for Particulate Analysis. 1981
Destruction of Enteric Bacteria and Viruses during Two-Phase Digestion. 1989
Destruction of Halogenated VOCs Using Premixed Radiant Burner. 1996
Detailed Morphological Properties of Nanoparticles from Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Combustion of Ethanol Blends / 2013
Determination of emissions credit and average test times for IM147 testing / 1999
Determination of the Ventilation Rates of Interstitial and Overlying Water by the Clam Macoma nasuta. 1990
Development and application of an aerosol screening model for size-resolved urban aerosols / 2014
Development document for final effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the ore mining and dressing point source category : gold placer mine subcategory / 1988
Development of a dredged material acceptability framework for the San Francisco Bay area / 1994
Development of a Test Method for BSR Noise and the Full-Vehicle Testing System / 2014
Development of Advanced Light-Duty Powertrain and Hybrid Analysis Tool / 2013
Development of an improved computer simulation of vehicle emissions during cold start and warm-up operation / 1991
Development of an invertebrate bioassay to screen petroleum refinery effluents discharged into freshwater 1976
Development of Criteria for Extension of Applicability of Low Emission, High Efficiency Coal Burners. 1984
Development of Criteria for Extension of Applicability of Low Emission, High Efficiency Coal Burners: Second Annual Report. 1984
Development of criteria for extension of applicability of low-emission, high-efficiency coal burners : third annual report / 1982
Development of Criteria for Extension of Applicability of Low-Emission, High-Efficiency Coal Burners. 1981
Development of Criteria for Extension of Applicability of Low-Emission, High-Efficiency Coal Burners: Fourth Annual Report. 1984
Development of Environment Canada's growth-and-survival test for sediment toxicity using cultured polychaete worms / 1995
Development of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Model for 2014-2017 Heavy- and Medium-Duty Vehicle Compliance / 2011
Development of land disposal decisions for metals using MINTEQ sensitivity analyses 1986
Development of land disposal decisions for metals using MINTEQ sensitivity analyses / 1986
Development of land disposal decisions for metals using MINTEQ sensitivity analyses / 1986
Development of microwave plasma detoxification process for hazardous wastes / 1977
Development of NOx Storage Reduction System for a Heavy-Duty Dimethyl Ether Engine / 2005
Developmental neurotoxicity of persistent and non-persistent pollutants : Behavioral and neurochemical assessments of a perfluorinated compound, pesticides and interaction effects / 2015
Dictionary of environmental legal terms 1997
Dictionary of uncommon words a Wynwood lexicon / 1991
Diesel NOx Control Application. 2001
Diesel PM model to measurement comparison. / 2002
Diffusivity of Bisulfide Ion in Aqueous Solution. 1972
Dioxin and furan contamination in the manufacture of halogenated organic chemicals / 1987
Dioxin and Furan Contamination in the Manufacture of Halogenated Organic Chemicals. 1986
Dioxin formation from soot-based deposits / 1997
Dire predictions : understanding global warming / 2008
Direct Measurement Technique for Determining Ventilation Rate in the Deposit Feeding Clam 'Macoma nasuta' (Bivalvia, Tellinaceae). 1989
Direct/delayed response project : definition of soil sampling classes and selection of sampling sites for the Northeast / 1989
Direct/delayed response project : field operations and quality assurance report for soil sampling and preparation in the Northeastern United States. Volume I, Sampling / 1987
Direct/delayed response project : field operations and quality assurance report for soil sampling and preparation in the Southern Blue Ridge Province of the United States / 1987
Direct/delayed response project : field operations and quality assurance report for soil sampling and preparation in the Southern Blue Ridge Province of the United States {Microfiche} / 1988
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