Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 20
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Your Search: (AUTHOR=Lau AND S AND C)

Select Item Title Year Published
1985 Industrial Pollution Control Symposium : presented at the Eighth Annual Energy-Sources Technology Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, Texas, February 17-21, 1985 / 1985
Behavioral Development Following Daily Episodes of Mother-Infant Separation in the Rat. 1992
Can Asian Dust Trigger Phytoplankton Blooms in the Oligotrophic Northern South China Sea. 2012
Central Adrenergic Receptor Changes in the Inherited Noradrenergic Hyperinnervated Mutant Mouse Tottering (Journal Version). 1987
Central and Sympatho-Adrenal Responses to Insulin in Adult and Neonatal Rats (Journal Version). 1987
Characterization of the Mammalian Toxicity of the Crystal Polypeptides of 'Bacillus thuringiensis' subsp. 'Israelensis'. 1989
Control of Chromaffin Cell Development and Adrenomedullary Function in the Neonate. 1988
Development of Serotonergic and Adrenergic Receptors in the Rat Spinal Cord: Effects of Neonatal Chemical Lesions and Hyperthyroidism. 1985
Effects of 5-Fluorouracil on Embryonic Rat Palate In vitro: Fusion in the Absence of Proliferation. 1993
Effects of Prenatal Nitrofen Exposure on Cardiac Structure and Function in the Rat. 1986
Electrodialysis for desalting Hawaiian brackish ground water: a field study, 1970
Glucocorticoid Receptor Expression during the Development of the Embryonic Mouse Secondary Palate. 1994
Impact of Aging on Cardiovascular Function and Reactivity. 1989
Prenatal alpha-Difluoromethylornithine Treatment: Effects on Postnatal Renal Growth and Function in the Rat. 1989
Regulation of Adrenal Chromaffin Cell Development by the Central Monoaminergic System: Differential Control of Norepinephrine and Epinephrine Levels and Secretory Responses (Journal Version). 1987
Removal of Color from the Water of Waikoloa Stream South Kohala District, Island of Hawaii. 1970
Repeated Maternal Separation in the Neonatal Rat: Cellular Mechanisms Contributing to Brain Growth Sparing. 1992
Trophic Control of Lung Development by Sympathetic Neurons: Effects of Neonatal Sympathectomy with 6-Hydroxydopamine. 1988
Trophic Control of the Ornithine Decarboxylase/Polyamine System in Neonatal Rat Brain Regions: Lesions Caused by 6-Hydroxydopamine Produce Effects Selective for Cerebellum. 1990
Utility of the Murine Erythroleukemic Cell (MELC) in Assessing Mechanisms of Action of DNA-Active Developmental Toxicants: Application to 5-Fluorouracil. 1993

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