Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 41
Showing: Items 1 - 41
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Larsen AND D AND P)

Select Item Title Year Published
A guide to aeration/circulation techniques for lake management / 1977
Air Quality Data Analysis System for Interrelating Effects, Standards, and Needed Source Reductions: Part 10. Potential Ambient O3 Standards to Limit Soybean Crop Reduction. 1988
Analysis of Regional Lake Water Quality Patterns: Implications for Lake Resource Management in Minnesota. 1987
Analytical Methods for a National Study of Chemical Residues in Fish. 1. Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins/Dibenzofurans. 1994
Analytical Methods for a National Study of Chemical Residues in Fish. 2. Pesticides and Polychlorinated Biphenyls. 1994
Comparisons of Single-Species, Microcosm and Experimental Pond Responses to Atrazine Exposure. 1986
Correspondence between Ecoregions and Spatial Patterns in Stream Ecosystems in Oregon. 1988
Correspondence between Spatial Patterns in Fish Assemblages in Ohio Streams and Aquatic Ecoregions. 1986
Ecoregions: An Approach to Surface Water Protection (Journal Version). 1988
Effect of Wastewater Phosphorus Removal on Shagawa Lake, Minnesota: Phosphorus Supplies, Lake Phosphorus and Chlorophyll A. 1979
Effects of Atrazine on Community Level Responses in Taub Microcosms. 1985
Effects of Atrazine on Microcosms Developed from Four Natural Plankton Communities. 1989
Effects of Fluorene on Microcosms Developed from Four Natural Communities (Journal Version). 1988
EMAP-surface waters 1991 pilot report / 1993
Environmental and safety regulations and standards applicable to the dispensing of alternative fuels for vehicles 1985
Environmental monitoring and assessment program (EMAP) : surface waters monitoring and research strategy, fiscal year 1991 / 1991
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP): Western Streams and Rivers Statistical Summary. 2005
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program, EMAP-Surface Waters: A Northeast Lakes Pilot. 1991
GIS Procedure to Create a National Lakes Frame for Environmental Monitoring. 1991
Index to Evaluate Lake Restoration. 1980
Lake phosphorus loading graphs : an alternative / 1975
Lake Phosphorus Loading Graphs: An Alternative. 1975
Limnology of Shagawa Lake, Minnesota, Prior to Reduction of Phosphorus Loading. 1976
Mixing Rates in Shagawa Lake, Minnesota, Sediments as Determined from 106Ru Profiles. 1983
Modeling phosphorus dynamics in Shagawa Lake / 1978
Ohio Stream Regionalization Project: A Compendium of Results. 1988
Phosphorus Retention Capacity of Lakes. 1976
Regional Approach for Assessing Attainable Surface Water Quality: An Ohio Case Study. 1988
Regional Framework for Establishing Recovery Criteria. 1990
Regional Lake Quality Patterns: Their Relationship to Lake Conservation and Management Decisions. 1996
Regional Reference Sites: A Method for Assessing Stream Potentials. 1986
Reponse of eutrophic Shagawa Lake, Minnesota, USA, to point-source, phosphorus reduction / 1974
Role of Ecological Sample Surveys in the Implementation of Biocriteria. 1993
Significance of Regional Lake Quality Patterns to Management/Restoration of Specific Lakes. 1995
Summer Internal Phosphorus Supplies in Shagawa Lake, Minnesota. 1981
Summer total phosphorus in lakes : a map of Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan, USA / 1988
Summer total phosphorus in lakes in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan / 1988
The Shagawa Lake Project : lake restoration by nutrient removal from wastewater effluent / 1973
Trout Distribution and Habitat in Relation to Geology and Geomorphology in the North Fork Humboldt River Drainage, Northeastern Nevada. 1994
White spirit (Stoddard solvent). 1996
Williams textbook of endocrinology / 2016

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