Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 9
Showing: Items 1 - 9
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Lande AND Sheldon)

Select Item Title Year Published
Chemical market input/output analysis of selected chemical substances to assess sources of environmental contamination : task III, asbestos / 1978
Health assessment document for polycyclic organic matter / 1979
Identification and description of chemical deactivation/detoxification methods for the safe disposal of selected pesticides / 1978
Investigation of selected potential environmental contaminants : Epoxides : final report / 1980
Investigation of selected potential environmental contaminants : haloalkyl phosphates : final report / 1976
Investigation of selected potential environmental contaminants ; Ketonic solvents : final report / 1976
Investigation of Selected Potential Environmental Contaminants: Epichlorohydrin and Epibromohydrin. 1980
Investigation of Selected Potential Environmental Contaminants: Haloalcohols. 1980
Reviews of the environmental effects of pollutants : X. Toxaphene / 1979

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