Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 18
Showing: Items 1 - 18

Select Item Title Year Published
An evaluation of the disposal of flue gas cleaning wastes in coal mines and at sea : refined assessment / 1984
An evaluation of the disposal of flue gas desulfurization wastes in mines and the ocean : initial assessment / 1977
Dual Alkali Test and Evaluation Program. Volume II. Laboratory and Pilot Plant Programs. 1977
Dual Alkali Test and Evaluation Program. Volume III. Prototype Test Program--Plant Scholz. 1977
Evaluation of at-sea disposal of FGC (flue gas cleaning0 wastes, vol. 1 and vol. 2 [microfiche] / 1984
Evaluation of the Disposal of Flue Gas Cleaning Wastes in Coal Mines and at Sea: Refined Assessment. 1984
Evaluation of the limestone dual alkali prototype system at Plant Scholz : system design and program plan / 1981
Evaluation of the Limestone Dual Alkali Prototype System Plant Scholz: System Design and Program Plan. 1981
Executive summary for full-scale dual-alkali demonstration at Louisville Gas and Electric Co. : preliminary design and cost estimate / 1978
Final Report, dual alkali test and evaluation program / 1977
Laboratory study of limestone regeneration in dual alkali systems / 1977
Profiles in flue gas desulfurization 2000
Project manual for full-scale dual alkali demonstration at Louisville Gas and Electric Co. : preliminary design and cost estimate / 1978
Waste and Water Management for Conventional Coal Combustion Assessment Report - 1979; Volume II. Water Management. 1980
Waste and water management for conventional coal combustion assessment report, 1979 / 1980
Waste and Water Management for Conventional Coal Combustion Assessment Report--1979. Volume IV. Utilization of FGC Wastes. 1980
Waste and Water Management for Conventional Coal Combustion Assessment Report-1979. Volume III. Generation and Characterization of FGC (Flue Gas Cleaning) Wastes. 1980
Waste and Water Management for Conventional Coal Combustion: Assessment Report - 1979. Volume V. Disposal of FGC (Flue Gas Cleaning) Wastes. 1980

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