Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 20
Showing: Items 1 - 20

Select Item Title Year Published
1995 study of operation and maintenance costs / 1995
Consistent implementation of the FY 1993 guidance on technical impracticability of ground-water restoration at Superfund sites. 1995
Distribution of OSWER radiation risk assessment Q and A's final guidance. 1999
Ecological risk assessment and risk management priciples for Superfund sites : final guidance / 1999
Establishment of cleanup levels for CERCLA sites with radioactive contamination. 1997
Implementation of risk assessment guidance for Superfund (RAGS) volume 1 - human health evaluation manual (part D, standardized planning, reporting, and review of Superfund risk assessments) (Interim). 1997
Interim guidance in response to the OIG audit "Superfund sites deferred to RCRA" / 1999
Issuance of final guidance : ecological risk assessment and risk management principles for superfund sites / 1999
New waste capacity assurance language for Superfund state contracts and remedial cooperative agreements. 1995
Pre-publication copy of final guidance : presumptive response strategy for contaminated ground water / 1996
Procedures for partial deletions at NPL sites. 1996
Reducing federal oversight at Superfund sites with cooperative and capable parties. 1996
Remediation goals for radioactively contaminated CERCLA sites usingthe benchmark dose cleanup criteria in 10 CFR Part 40, Appendix A, I, criterior 6(6). 2000
Revision to OSWER NPL policy "The revised hazard ranking system: evaluating sites after waste removals" publication no. 9345.1-03FS, October 1991. 1997
Second Supplemental five-year review guidance / 1995
Superfund reforms : updating remedy decisions. 1996
Transmittal of guidance for data collection at state-lead NPL sites 1995
Use of monitored natural attenuation at Superfund, RCRA corrective action, and underground storage tank sites. 1997
Use of non-time-critical removal authority in Superfund response actions / 2000
Use of soil cleanup criteria in 40 CFR part 192 as remediation goals for CERCLA sites / 1998

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