Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 9
Showing: Items 1 - 9

Select Item Title Year Published
A Toxicity evaluation of lower Fox River water and sediments / 1986
An automated monitoring system for fish physiology and toxicology / 1989
Aquatic organisms in acidic environments : a literature review / 1984
Aquatic Organisms in Acidic Environments: A Literature Review. 1985
Effects of Diet on Growth and Survival of Larval Wallyes. 1986
Modeling the Accumulation of Three Waterborne Chlorinated Ethanes in Fathead Minnows ('Pimephales promelas'): A Physiologically Based Approach. 1994
Physiologically-Based Toxicokinetic Modeling of Three Waterborne Chloroethanes in Channel Catfish, 'Ictalurus punctatus'. 1993
Predicting Branchial and Cutaneous Uptake of 2,2',5,5'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl in Fathead Minnows ('Pimephales promelas') and Japanese Medaka ('Oryzias latipes'): Rate Limiting Factors. 1993
Respiratory-Cardiovascular Physiology and Chloroethane Gill Flux in the Channel Catfish 'Ictalurus punctatus'. 1994

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