Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 18
Showing: Items 1 - 18

Select Item Title Year Published
1994 Pilot field operations and methods manual for streams on the coast range ecoregion of Oregon and Washington and the Yakima River Basin 1994
Data Report on Ecosystem Monitoring for the Ashtabula River Environmental Dredging Project. 2011
Environmental monitoring and assessment program surface waters : field operations and methods for measuring the ecological condition of wadeable streams / 1998
Environmental monitoring and assessment program surface waters : field operations and methods for measuring the ecological condition of wadeable streams / 1995
Environmental monitoring and assessment program surface waters and Region 3 regional environmental monitoring and assessment program : 1994 pilot field operations and methods manual for streams / 1994
Environmental monitoring and assessment program surface waters field operations and methods for measuring the ecological condition of wadeable streams / [microform] : 1998
Environmental monitoring and assessment program- surface waters : field operations and methods for measuring the ecological condition of non-wadeable rivers and streams / 2000
Environmental monitoring and assessment program-surface waters : western pilot study field operations manual for wadeable streams / 2000
Environmental monitoring and assessment program-surface waters : western pilot study: field operations and methods for non-wadeable rivers and streams / 2000
Fish field and laboratory methods for evaluating the biological integrity of surface waters / 1993
Great river ecosystems field operations manual environmental monitoring and assessment program. {electronic resource} : 2006
Macroinvertebrate field and laboratory methods for evaluating the biological integrity of surface waters / 1990
Report on the Presence of Estrogenic and Androgenic Substances in Effluents from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations. 2004
Report on Vitellogenin Gene Expression in Fathead Minnows and Pearl Dace from Reference (Non-Dosed) and Lakes Dosed with EE2 in the Canadian Experimental Lakes Area. 2004
Short-term methods for estimating the chronic toxicity of effluents and receiving waters to freshwater organisms / 1989
Short-term methods for estimating the chronic toxicity of effluents and receiving waters to freshwater organisms / 1994
Short-term methods for estimating the chronic toxicity of effluents and receiving waters to west coast marine and estuarine organisms / 1995
Short-term methods for estimating the chronic toxicity of effluents and receiving waters to west coast marine and estuarine organisms / 1995

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