Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 13
Showing: Items 1 - 13
Your Search: (AUTHOR=L AND Hare)

Select Item Title Year Published
Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. 1984
Ecological Characterization and Landscape Assessment of the Humboldt River Basin. 2013
Emission characterization of a 2-stroke heavy-duty diesel coach engine and vehicle with and without a particulate trap : final report / 1985
Emission characterization of a spark-ignited, heavy-duty, direct-injected methanol engine / 1982
Emission characterization of an alcohol/diesel-pilot fueled compression-ignition engine and its heavy-duty diesel counterpart / 1981
Emissions characterization of a heavy-duty diesel truck engine operated on crude and minimally-processed shale oils / 1985
Emissions characterization of heavy-duty diesel and gasoline engines and vehicles 1985
Emissions characterization of two methanol fueled transit buses / 1986
Emissions Evaluation of Two Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines on Two Low-Sulfur Fuels with Variation in Aromatics : Executive Summary. 1988
Heavy-duty diesel emissions as a function of alternate fuels / 1983
Investigation of the effect of fuel composition and injection and combustion system type on heavy duty diesl exhaust emissions : Final Report / 1989
Methodology for determining fuel effects on diesel particulate emissions / 1975
Motorcycle emission control demonstration / 1977

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