Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Advances in Dense Gas Dispersion Modeling of Accidental Releases Over Rough Surfaces during Stable Conditions. 1997
Aerial waterfowl surveys in the Kuparuk River Unit oil and gas lease sale 54 1989
Annual Course of Precipitation Over Much of the United States - Observed versus GCM Simulation. 1990
Application of Factor Analysis to Source Apportionment of Aerosol Mass. 1981
Chlorine Utilization during Trihalomethane Formation in the Presence of Ammonia and Bromide. 1984
Climate-Biosphere Interactions Scope of Work. 1989
Comparison of Emission Models with On-Road Heavy-Duty Diesel Modal Data. 1997
Conceptual Approaches for Incorporating Climatic Change into the Development of Forest Management Options for Sequestering Carbon. 1993
Continental Scale Biome Responses to Climatic Change. 1991
Determination of arsenic and selenium in surface water by atomic absorption to support environmental monitoring programs 1974
Development of on-road emission factors for heavy-duty diesel vehicles using a continuous sampling system / 1998
Development of On-Road Emission Factors for Heavy-Duty Vehicles. 1995
Effects of 2,4-Dichlorophenol, a Metabolite of a Genetically Engineered Bacterium, and 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetate on Some Microorganism-Mediated Ecological Processes in Soil. 1991
Effects on groundwater from seepage of livestock manure lagoons 1979
Elemetal semimicro qualitative analysis by William E. Caldwell {and} G. Brooks King. 1969
Exhaust Emission Patterns from Two Light-Duty Diesel Automobiles. 1981
Factors Affecting Incorporation of Bromide into Brominated Trihalomethanes during Chlorination. 1985
Federal Site Remediation Program Annual Report, 2001. (Illinois Environmental Protection Agency). 2002
Holocene Tree Migration Rates Objectively Determined from Fossil Pollen Data. 1995
Implications of Climate Change for the Water Balance of the Columbia River Basin, USA. 1993
Intensive Survey of Streams in the Mississippi South Basin, Summer 1999: Data Summary. 2003
Intensive Survey of the Big Muddy River Basin, Summer 1995. 1997
Intensive Survey of the Big Muddy River Basin, Summer 2000: Data Summary. 2003
Intensive Survey of the Cache River Basin, Summer 1999: Data Summary. 2002
Intensive Survey of the Little Wabash River Basin and Lower Wabash Tributaries, 1996/1999: Data Summary. 2003
Intensive Survey of the Saline River Basin, Summer 1993. 1996
Intensive Survey of the Saline River/Bay Creek Basin, Summer 2000: Data Summary. 2003
Irrigation management for control of quality of irrigation return flow / 1973
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Program. 2001 Annual Report. 2002
Management practices affecting quality and quantity of irrigation return flow / 1975
Management Practices Affecting Quality and Quantity of Irrigation Return Flow. 1974
Methods for aquatic toxicity identification evaluations : phase I : toxicity characterization procedures / 1991
Methods for aquatic toxicity identification evaluations : phase I toxicity characterization procedures. 1991
On-farm improvements to reduce sediment and nutrients in irrigation return flow / 1984
On-farm improvements to reduce sediment and nutrients in irrigation return flow / 1984
Ozone Uptake in Awake Sprague-Dawley Rats. 1987
Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Pacific Northwest Forest Vegetation. 1992
Regional and Local Vegetation Patterns: The Responses of Vegetation to Subcontinental Air Masses. 1990
Response and feedbacks of forest systems to global climate change / 1990
Risk assessment, management, communication : a guide to selected sources : volume 4, number 2. 1992
Sensitivity of Ecological Landscapes and Regions to Global Climatic Change. 1989
Sensitivity of the Regional Water Balance in the Columbia River Basin to Climate Variability: Application of a Spatially Distributed Water Balance Model. 1991
Short-term methods for estimating the chronic toxicity of effluents and receiving water to marine and estuarine organisms / 1994
Significance of turbidity for quality assessment of agricultural runoff and irrigation return flow project completion report / 1978
Simulating Climate-Biosphere Interactions under Changing Climate Conditions: A Research Plan. 1993
System for applying powdered gelling agents to spilled hazardous materials / 1978
System for applying powdered gelling agents to spilled hazardous materials / 1978
Toward a Rule-Based Biome Model (Journal Article). 1992
Toward a Rule-Based Biome Model. 1991
Trial Burn Results and Future Activities of the EPA Mobile Incinerator. 1989
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