Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 24
Showing: Items 1 - 24
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Kepner AND William AND G)

Select Item Title Year Published
A national assessment of landscape change and impacts to aquatic resources : a 10-year research strategy for the landscape sciences program. / 2000
Accuracy assessment of 1992 Landstat-MSS derived land cover for the Upper San Pedro watershed (U.S./Mexico) {microform} / 2002
AGWA design documentation : migrating to ArcGIS and the Internet / 2005
An accuracy assessment of 1992 Landstat-MSS derived land cover for the Upper San Pedro watershed (U.S./Mexico) / 2002
Arid ecosystems strategic monitoring plan, 1991. 1991
Assessing hydrologic impacts of future land cover change scenarios in the San Pedro River (U.S./Mexico) / 2013
Assessing hydrologic impacts of future land cover change scenarios in the South Platte River Basin (CO, WY, & NE) / 2014
Connectivity of streams and wetlands to downstream waters : a review and synthesis of the scientific evidence / 2015
Desertification in the Mediterranean Region. A Security Issue [electronic resource] / 2006
EMAP-Arid ecosystems : the spectral indicator. 1993
Environmental Change and Human Security: Recognizing and Acting on Hazard Impacts [electronic resource] / 2008
Environmental monitoring and assessment program : arid ecosystems 1992 pilot report / 1994
Environmental monitoring and assessment program : arid ecosystems 1993 implementation plan -- Colorado plateau plot design pilot study / 1994
Environmental monitoring and assessment program : arid ecosystems 1993 implementation plan, Colorado plateau plot design pilot study / 1993
Habitat distribution models for 37 vertebrate species in the Mojave Desert ecoregion of Nevada, Arizona, and Utah / 2008
Investigating historic parcel changes to understand land use trends : Methodology and application for the San Pedro River watershed / 2013
Landscape indicator interface with hydrologic models : research plan / 2000
Mid-atlantic landscape indicators project plan : Environmental monitoring and assessment program / 1995
Remote sensing and geographic information systems for decision analysis in public resource administration : case study of 25 years of landscape change in a southwestern watershed / 2002
San Pedro River Basin data browser / 2012
South Platte River Basin data browser / 2011
The ecological and hydrological significance of ephemeral and intermittent streams in the arid and semi-arid American Southwest / 2008
The San Pedro data browser / [electronic resource] 2000
Use of Landscape Sciences for the Assessment of Environmental Security [electronic resource] / 2007

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