Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 31
Showing: Items 1 - 31
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Kelly AND W AND R)

Select Item Title Year Published
Air pollution emission test : volume I: first interim report, continuous sulfur dioxide monitoring at steam generators / 1978
Arsenic Removal in Water Treatment Facilities: Survey of Geochemical Factors and Pilot Plant Experiments. 2004
Breeding birds of Washington State : location data and predicted distributions / 1997
Characterization of aerosol consumer products / 1995
Coal gasification/gas cleanup test facility / 1980
Coal Gasification/Gas Cleanup Test Facility. Volume 4. A Mathematical Model of the Packed Column Acid Gas Absorber. 1983
Coal Gasification/Gas Cleanup Test Facility: Volume II. Environmental Assessment of Operation with Devolatilized Bituminous Coal and Chilled Methanol. 1982
Coal Gasification/Gas Cleanup Test Facility: Volume III. Environmental Assessment of Operation with New Mexico Subbituminous Coal and Chilled Methanol. 1982
Conditioning Coal Gas with Refrigerated Methanol in a System of Packed Columns. 1985
Control of volatile organic compound leaks from petroleum refinery equipment. 1978
Coupled transport systems for control of heavy metal pollutants / 1979
Design criteria for stationary source catalytic combustion systems / 1979
Design of an aerosol mass spectral interface / 1998
Determination of Mercury Content in a Shallow Firn Core from Summit, Greenland by Isotope Dilution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry. 2003
Development of an Anionic Exchange Glass Fiber Substrate POU (Point-of-Use) Device to Remove Arsenic. 2009
Ecosystem Perspective on Potential Impacts of Drilling Fluid Discharges on Seagrasses. 1987
Evaluation of proposed environmental scoring methodology 1985
Fate of Arsenic in the Mahomet Aquifer: The Influence of Added Sulfate and Nitrate. 2009
Guideline for use of city-specific EKMA in preparing ozone SIPs / 1981
Guideline for use of city-specific EKMA in preparing ozone SIPs : draft / 1980
Microbe 1984 Thirty-sixth Symposium of the Society for General Microbiology, held at the University of Warwick, April 1984. 1984
Microcosm Study of Arsenic Fate in Mahomet Aquifer Sediment and Groundwater. 2006
National dioxin study tier 4 : combustion sources : final test report : site 11 : drum and barrel reclamation, furnace DBR : A / 1987
National home and garden pesticide use survey / 1992
National home and garden pesticide use survey, final report. : executive summary / 1992
National home and garden pesticide use survey, final report. : Volume 2: survey design: implementation and analysis methods / 1992
Personal computer monitors : a screening evaluation of volatile organic emissions from existing printed circuit board laminates and potential pollution / 1998
Phase Distributions of Airborne Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Two U.S. Cities. 1992
Radium and Barium in the Ironton-Galesville Bedrock Aquifer in Northeastern Illinois. 2008
Removal of Acid Gases and Other Contaminantes from Coal Gas Using Refrigerated Methanol. 1982
Temporal Variability of Arsenic in Municipal Well Water. 2006

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