Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 16
Showing: Items 1 - 16

Select Item Title Year Published
Biological aspects of thermal pollution; proceedings. 1969
Dredging and its environmental effects : proceedings of the specialty conference, Mobile, Alabama, January 26-28, 1976 / 1976
Effects of sand and gravel dredging operations on water quality in the Ohio River : final report / 1972
Engineering aspects of thermal pollution; proceedings. 1969
Heavy metals in the aquatic environment : proceedings of the international conference held in Nashville, Tennessee, December 1973 / 1975
Mass transport mechanisms in open-channel flow 1966
Mass Transport Mechanisms in Open-Channel Flow. 1966
Mechanisms of mercury transformation in bottom sediments 1973
Meteorological effects on carbon monoxide distribution at an urban intersection 1969
Physical and engineering aspects of thermal pollution. 1970
Proceedings of the Specialty Conference on Current Research into the Effects of Reservoirs on Water Quality, January, 1968. 1968
Quantification of the effects of rate of temperature change on aquatic biota. 1971
Standardized methylmercury analytical procedure for fish and sediments / 1975
Thermal pollution: status of the art 1969
Use of Water Quality Models in Management Decision Making. 1982
Water quality management 1980

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