Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 16
Showing: Items 1 - 16

Select Item Title Year Published
Advanced field monitoring methods program : annual report for fiscal year 1989 / 1990
Assessment of available and emerging technologies for field screening and analysis of contaminants at superfund sites / 1991
Environmental technology verification report : environmental decision support software: Arcview GIS version 3.1 using Arcview Spatial Analyst and ArcView 3D Analyst extensions / 1999
Environmental technology verification report : environmental decision support software: Environmental software SitePro(R) version 3.0 / 1999
Environmental technology verification report : explosives detection technology / 2000
Environmental technology verification report : explosives detection technology : SRI Instruments Model 8610C, gas chromatograph/thermionic ionization detection / 2001
Environmental technology verification report : immunoassay kit, Strategic Diagnostics Inc. EnviroGard PCB Test Kit / by Amy B. Dindal, Charles K. Bayne, Roger A. Jenkins, Stephen Billets and Eric N. Koglin. 1998
Environmental technology verification report : PCB detection technology : Dexsil Corporation L2000DX analyzer / 2001
Environmental technology verification report : PCB detection technology : Hybrizyme Delfia (trademart) PCB assay / 2001
Environmental technology verification report : PCB detection technology : Hybrizyme Delfia (trademart) PCB assay / 2000
Environmental technology verification report : portable gas chromatograph/surface acoustic wave detector, electronic sensor technology 4100 vapor detector / 1998
Environmental technology verification report : TNT detection technology : Texas Instruments Spreeta Sensor / 2001
Field methods for locating abandoned wells : a comprehensive summary for fiscal years 1983 through 1987 / 1987
Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) report for the Westinghouse bio-analytic systems pentachlorophenol (PCP) immunoassays / 1992
Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program demonstration plan for Westinghouse bio-analytic systems pentachlorophenol immunoassays / 1992
Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program demonstration plan for Westinghouse bio-analytic systems pentachlorophenol immunoassays / 1991

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