Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 22
Showing: Items 1 - 22

Select Item Title Year Published
Catawissa Creek mine drainage abatement project / 1977
Characterization of Metal Binding Sites in Fulvic Acids by Lanthanide Ion Probe Spectroscopy. 1989
Clean fuels from agricultural and forestry wastes / 1976
Cotinine Analytical Workshop Report: Consideration of Analytical Methods for Determining Cotinine in Human Body Fluids as a Measure of Passive Exposure to Tobacco Smoke. 1990
Determination of Fenthion Residues in Samples of Marine Biota and Seawater from Laboratory Exposures and Field Applications. 1985
Effects of Ground ULV (Ultra-Low Volume) Applications of Fenthion on Estuarine Biota. 2. Analytical Methods and Results. 1985
Fate and biological effects of cadmium introduced into channel microcosms / 1979
Fate and biological effects of mercury introduced into artificial streams / 1976
Fouling and corrosion of groundwater wells a research study / 1993
Guide to the Federal Part 503 Rule for the Use or Disposal of Sewage Sludge. 1993
Management of hazardous waste in Australia 1985
Mechanisms of tumor promotion and cocarcinogenesis 1978
Natural variation in abundance of salmonid populations in streams and its implications for design of impact studies / 1981
Natural variation in abundance of salmonid populations in streams and its implications for design of impact studies / 1981
Natural variation in abundance of salmonid populations in streams and its implications for design of impact studies : a review / 1981
Novel Approach to Metal-Humic Complexation Studies by Lanthanide Ion Probe Spectroscopy. 1989
Pyrolytic oils : characterization and data development for continuous processing / 1980
Relative Bioavailability of Arsenic in an Asarco and a Hawaii Soil. 2012
The fate of mercury in artificial stream systems / 1974
Throughflow theory for turbomachines 1973
Treatment wetland habitat and wildlife use assessment and North American treatment wetland database v2.0. 1994
Wildlife and recreationists : coexistence through management and research / 1995

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