Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 15
Showing: Items 1 - 15

Select Item Title Year Published
A review of Occurrences and treatment of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons / 1981
Acid rain and fisheries : a debate of issues : symposium proceedings, American Fisheries Society, 114th annual meeting, August 12-16, 1984, Cornell University / 1986
Acid rain and fisheries a debate of issues : symposium proceedings, American Fisheries Society, 114th Annual Meeting, August 12-16, 1984, Cornell University / 1985
Antigen Detection in the Diagnosis of Norwalk Virus Gastroenteritis. 1986
Canadian water quality guidelines for triallate 1992
Consequences of prolonged inhalation of ozone on Fisher-344/N rats, collaborative studies. 1994
Development and Application of Biomonitoring Indicators for Floodplain Wetlands of the Upper Missouri River Basin 2002
Development and application of biomonitoring indicators for floodplain wetlands of the upper Missouri River Basin, North Dakota 2002
Direct/delayed response project : definition of soil sampling classes and selection of sampling sites for the Northeast / 1989
Estuarine environment; the inaugural symposium of the Estuarine and Brackish-water Biological Association ... held on 13th October 1971. 1972
Factors affecting the long-term response of surface waters to acidic deposition : state-of-the-science / 1986
Goussia girellae N. Sp. (Apicomplexa: Eimeriorina) in the Opaleye, 'Girella nigricans' (Journal Version). 1988
International conference on oxidants, 1976 : analysis of evidence and viewpoints : Part VI. The issue of air quality simulation model utility / 1977
Porosity, surface area and particle size effects of CaO reacting with SO2 at 1100êC / 1988
Toxicity, Bioconcentration, and Metabolism of the Herbicide Propanil (3',4'-Dichloropropionanilide) in Freshwater Fish. 1983

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