Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 16
Showing: Items 1 - 16

Select Item Title Year Published
Assessing biological integrity in running waters : a method and its rationale / 1986
Assessment of Biotic Integrity Using Fish Communities. 1981
Biological monitoring and assessment : using multimetric indexes effectively / 1997
Biological monitoring and assessment : using multimetric indexes effectively / 1997
Ecological Perspective on Water Quality Goals. 1981
Evaluation of an index of biotic integrity : temporal variability and regional application in the midwest / 1984
Habitat preservation for midwest stream fishes : principles and guidelines / 1983
Habitat preservation for midwest stream fishes : principles and guidelines / 1983
Habitat preservation for midwest stream fishes: Principles and guidelines 1983
Habitat structure and fish communities of warmwater streams / 1983
Impact of nearstream vegetation and stream morphology on water quality and stream biota / 1977
Interim protection for late-successional forests, fisheries, and watersheds : national forests east of the Cascade Crest, Oregon, and Washington / 1994
Pollution control technical manual for Lurgi-based indirect coal liquefaction and SNG / 1983
Restoring life in running waters : better biological monitoring / 1998
Riparian Vegetation and Channel Morphology Impact on Spatial Patterns of Water Quality in Agricultural Watersheds. 1981
Water Quality in Agricultural Watersheds: Impact of Riparian Vegetation during Base Flow. 1981

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