Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 21
Showing: Items 1 - 21
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Joseph AND Gerald AND T)

Select Item Title Year Published
A regional assessment of the economic and environmental benefits of an irrigation scheduling service / 1980
Application of membrane technology to power generation waters / 1980
APTI course 415, control of gaseous emissions : instructors guide {microfiche} / 1990
APTI course 415, control of gaseous emissions : student manual / 1981
APTI course 415, control of gaseous emissions : student manual {microfiche} / 1990
APTI course SI-417, controlling VOC emissions from leaking process equipment : student guidebook / 1982
APTI Course SI:412C Wet Scrubber Plan Review : Self-Instructional Guidebook / 1984
Dimensionless Parameter Study of Groundwater Recharge. 1972
Dissociated methanol citation : final report / 1984
Evaluation of rural air quality simulation models Graphic summary of the performance of rural air quality models / 1987
Final report on investigations of nitrogen oxides within the plume of an isolated city to Coordinating Research Council 1978
Ozone plumes from small cities and ozone in high pressure weather systems / 1983
Prediction by numerical models of transport and diffusion in an urban boundary layer, v.1- 1971
Prediction by Numerical Models of Transport and Diffusion in an Urban Boundary Layer. Volume I. 1971
Quaternary geologic map of the Minneapolis 40 x 60 quadrangle, United States 1983
Sediment toxicity identification evaluation : phase I (characterization), phase II (identification) and phase III (confirmation) modifications of effluent procedures / 1991
Studies of NOx reactions and O3 transport in Southern California, fall 1976 / 1983
Suspended solids monitor / 1975
The transport of oxidant beyond urban areas : compilation of data for the New England study, 1975 / 1976
Transport of Oxidant Beyond Urban Areas. 1976
Transport of Oxidant Beyond Urban Areas. Appendices A-D. 1976

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