Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A candidate marine environmental impact survey for potential U.S. military projects on Tinian Island, Mariana Islands; a contract report, 1974
A key to the families of fishes as recorded from Guam / 1974
A national assessment of landscape change and impacts to aquatic resources : a 10-year research strategy for the landscape sciences program. / 2000
A Summary of knowledge of the eastern Gulf of Mexico, 1973. / 1973
Agricultural benefits and environmental changes resulting from the use of digested sludge on field crops: report. Arsenic {etc.} in agricultural ecosystems; a bibliography of the literature, 1950 through 1971, 1973
Air pollutants affecting the performance of domestic animals; a literature review, 1970
Air pollution, airways hyperreactivity, and pulmonary function measurements in asthma / 1977
Air Pollution, Airways Hyperreactivity, and Pulmonary Function Measurements in Asthma. 1977
An annual cycle study of biological, chemical and oceanographic phenomena associated with the Agana ocean outfall : final report / 1971
An ecological assessment of the United States Mid-Atlantic Region : a landscape atlas / 1997
Applications of palaeontology : techniques and case studies / 2011
Automotive and heavy-duty engine coolant recycling by distillation : project summary / 1992
Automotive and heavy-duty engine coolant recycling by distillation : technology evaluation report / 1992
Automotive and heavy-duty engine coolant recycling by filtration : project summary / 1992
Barium in agricultural ecosystems : a bibliography of the literature 1950 through 1971 / 1973
Beryllium in agricultural ecosystems : a bibliography of the literature 1950 through 1971 / 1973
Biological impact caused by changes on a tropical reef / 1976
Boron in agricultural ecosystems : a bibliography of the literature 1950 through 1971 / 1973
Cadmium and chromium recovery from electroplating rinsewaters / 1994
Cadmium and chromium recovery from electroplating rinsewaters : project summary / 1994
Cadmium and chromium recovery from electroplating rinsewaters : project summary / 1992
Carbon-black dispersion preplating technology for printed wire board manufacturing : project summary / 1994
Chemical quality of surface waters and sedimentation in the Saline River Basin Kansas 1964
Chromium in agricultural ecosystems : a bibliography of the literature 1950 through 1971 / 1973
Cobalt in agricultural ecosystems : a bibliography of the literature 1950 through 1971 / 1973
Comparing Conventionally Landfilled Solid Waste with Processed Landfilled Solid Waste. 1973
Copper in agricultural ecosystems : a bibliography of the literature 1950 through 1971 / 1974
Denitrification by anaerobic filters and ponds : phase II / 1971
Economic analysis of effluent guidelines : beet sugar industry / 1975
Economic analysis of proposed effluent guidelines : sugar cane milling industry / 1975
Effects of particulate air pollution on asthmatic subjects / 1981
Evaluation of an electrodialytic process for purification of hexavalent chromium solutions / 1994
Factors affecting the long-term response of surface waters to acidic deposition : state-of-the-science / 1986
Feasibility study of the use of the oleophilic belt oil scrubber : final report / 1970
Field sound insulation evaluation for two auxiliary walls / 1975
General geology of Santa Rita quadrangle, Grant County, New Mexico, 1967
Geology and ground-water conditions in the southern part of the Camp Ripley Military Reservation Morrison County, Minnesota 1963
Geology and ground-water resources of Eddy County, New Mexico / 1952
Glossary of uranium- and thorium-bearing minerals : a list of uranium- and thorium-containing minerals, with data on composition, type of occurrence, chemical classification, and synonymy / 1967
Gold content of water, plants, and animals, 1970
Impacts of Material Substitution in Automobile Manufacture on Resource Recovery. Volume II. Appendices A-E. 1976
Improvements in pump intake basin design : project summary / 1995
Improvements in pump intake basin design : project summary / 1995
Iron in agricultural ecosystems : a bibliography of the literature 1950 through 1971 / 1974
Lab-field correlations for airborne sound transmission through party walls / 1975
Machinery's handbook : a reference book for the mechanical engineer, designer, manufacturing engineer, draftsman, toolmaker and machinist / 1992
Manganese in agricultural ecosystems : a bibliography of the literature 1950 through 1971 / 1974
Mercury use reduction & waste prevention in medical facilities / 2003
Methods development for assessing air pollution control benefits. 1979
Mobile on-site recycling of metalworking fluids / 1993
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