Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (AUTHOR=Jones AND John)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1972 annual handbook for group facilitators 1972
1973 annual handbook for group facilitators 1973
1975 annual handbook for group facilitators 1975
1977 annual handbook for group facilitators 1977
1978 annual handbook for group facilitators 1978
1979 annual handbook for group facilitators 1979
1980 annual handbook for group facilitators 1980
A handbook of structured experiences for human relations training / 1974
A study of exhaust emissions from twenty high mileage Oldsmobile diesel passenger cars / 1980
Annual handbook for group facilitators. 1972
Bench-scale of bioremediation for the treatment of sediments from the Ashtabula, Buffalo, Saginaw and Sheboygan Rivers : final report / 1996
Biological efficiency of protein production. 1973
Calculation of evapotranspiration using color-infrared photography / 1977
Characterization of municipal waste combustion ash disposal practices and facilities: preliminary summary of seventy-two municipal waste combustion ash disposal facilities : by John E. Moerlins, J. Michael Kuperberg, Eugene B. Jones, Roy C. Herndon and Victor W. Lambou and Larry J. Eccles / 1988
Energizers for training and conferences 1989
Experimental results for phase equilibria and pure component properties / 1991
Fish and river pollution. 1964
Full-scale field evaluation of waste disposal from coal-fired electric generating plants / 1985
Genomics and Molecular Genetics of Plant-Nematode Interactions [electronic resource] / 2011
Handbook for stabilization/solidification of hazardous waste / 1986
Historical review of water quality and climatic data from Chesapeake Bay with emphasis on effect of enrichment 1982
Identification and characterization of five non-traditional source categories : catastrophic/accidental releases, vehicle repair facilities, recycling, pesticide applications, and agricultural operations - project summary / 1993
International encyclopedia of quotations : an encyclopedia of quotations from every age for every occasion 1978
Laboratory investigation of residual liquid organics from spills, leaks, and the disposal of hazardous wastes in groundwater / 1990
Linking species & ecosystems 1995
Lung function in coalworkers' pneumoconiosis 1955
Measurement and analysis of the physical character of diesel particulate emissions 1976
Methods development for assessing air pollution control benefits. 1979
Minerals and the environment : proceedings of an international symposium, organized by the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, with the cooperation of the Institute of Quarrying and the Institution of Mining Engineers, held in London from 4 to 7 June 1974 1975
Now with Bill Moyers. April 5, 2002 / 2002
OIG fiscal 2000 audit plan and performance plan / 2000
Organochlorine Contaminants of Wintering Ducks Foraging on Detroit River Sediments / 1984
Plan for air pollution research in the Texas Gulf Coast area. 1979
Predicting photosynthesis for ecosystem models 1980
Production and management of small-quantity-generator hazardous-waste in Florida / 1989
Raw sewage coagulation and aerobic sludge digestion / 1975
Rebuilding the unity of health and the environment : the greater Houston metropolitan area : workshop summary / 2005
Recent developments in the analysis of metals in water, wastewater, and other matrices / 1987
Restoring hazardous spill-damaged areas : technique identification/assessment / 1981
Results from the Design Institute for Physical Property Data experimental results and data compilation procedures / 1990
Results of Ocean Diffusion and Biological Studies of the Hollywood, Florida, Ocean Outfall / 1976
Review of FDG system operation and process controls 1979
Review of the existing literature on health effects of 1,1,1-trichloroethane 1979
Sediment transport in the western tributaries of the Sacramento River, California / 1972
Soil survey of Goochland County, Virginia 1980
Spinoff 2017 / 2017
Spinoff 2019 : Technology Transfer Program / 2019
Spinoff 2020 : Technology Transfer Program / 2020
Systems Analysis for Urban Water Management. 1970
Team book : 27 exercises for enhancing work groups / 1994
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