Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A population analysis of the Yellowstone grizzly bears / 1974
Aerosols Generated by Liquid Sludge Application to Land. 1981
Air Quality Impacts of Anticipated Development in Oil Shale Operations in Western Colorado and Eastern Utah, Final Report 1981
An evaluation of the disposal of flue gas desulfurization wastes in mines and the ocean : initial assessment / 1977
Angular flow insensitive pitot tube suitable for use with standard stack testing equipment / 1979
Anomalous High Total Cyanide Results due to Nitrite in Biotreater Effluents: The Key to the 'Cyanide-Generation Syndrome' in Biotreater Technology. 1981
Aquatic fate process data for organic priority pollutants / 1982
At-sea incineration of organochlorine wastes onboard the M/T Vulcanus / 1977
At-sea incineration, evaluation of waste flow and combustion gas monitoring instrumentation onboard the M/T Vulcanus / 1979
Barium in agricultural ecosystems : a bibliography of the literature 1950 through 1971 / 1973
Beryllium in agricultural ecosystems : a bibliography of the literature 1950 through 1971 / 1973
Boron in agricultural ecosystems : a bibliography of the literature 1950 through 1971 / 1973
Changes in Nucleic Acids over the Molt Cycle in Relation to Food Availability and Temperature in 'Homarus americanus' Postlarvae. 1992
Characterization of the Reaction between Monochloramine and Isolated Aquatic Fulvic Acid. 1985
Chemical reactions of aquatic humic materials with selected oxidants / 1983
Chlorination of aquatic humic substances / 1981
Chromium in agricultural ecosystems : a bibliography of the literature 1950 through 1971 / 1973
Cobalt in agricultural ecosystems : a bibliography of the literature 1950 through 1971 / 1973
Comparison of a Modified VOST Sampling Method to Method 0030. 1993
Copper in agricultural ecosystems : a bibliography of the literature 1950 through 1971 / 1974
Decline of Red Spruce in the Adirondacks, New York. 1984
Demonstration of a scenario approach for technology assessment transportation sector / [electronic resource] : 2004
Destroying chemical wastes in commercial scale incinerators. 1978
Destroying chemical wastes in commercial scale incinerators. 1977
Destroying Chemical Wastes in Commercial Scale Incinerators. Facility Report No. 6. Rollins Environmental Service, Inc., Deer Park, Texas. 1977
Destroying Chemical Wastes in Commercial Scale Incinerators. Facility Report Number 1 - The Marquardt Company. 1977
Development and Evaluation of a Source Sampling and Analysis Method for Hydrogen Cyanide. 1997
Development of a Chemical Kinetic Mechanism for the U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Regional Oxidant Model. 1985
Development of a Laboratory Method for Estimation of Hydrogen Chloride Emission Potential of Incinerator Feed Materials. 1992
Effect of Monochloramine on Isolated Fulvic Acid. 1985
Environmental assessment of the at-sea incineration of liquid silvex / 1981
Environmental monitoring : benzene / 1979
Epidemiologic study of the effects of automobile traffic on blood lead levels / 1978
Estimation of Mutagenic/Carcinogenic Potential of Environmental Contaminants by Ion-Molecule Reactions and Tandem Mass Spectrometry. 1990
Evaluation of a Sampling Method for Acetonitrile Emissions from Stationary Sources. 1997
Evaluation of Analytical Methods for the Determination of POHC (Principal Organic Hazardous Constituents) in Combustion Products. 1984
Evaluation of internally staged coal burners and sorbent jet aerodynamics for combined SO2/NOx control in utility boilers. Volume 1, Testing in a 10 million Btu/hr experimental furnace / 1989
Evaluation of Internally Staged Coal Burners and Sorbent Jet Aerodynamics for Combined SO2/NOx Control in Utility Boilers. Volume 2. Testing in a 100 Million Btu/hr Experimental Furnace. 1989
Evaluation of Microbiological Aerosols Associated with the Application of Wastewater to Land: Pleasanton, California. 1979
Evaluation of Short-Term NO2 Plume Models for Point Sources. Volume 1: Technical Discussion. 1981
Evaluation of Short-Term NO2 Plume Models for Point Sources. Volume 2. Data. 1981
Extent of Ozone's Reaction with Isolated Aquatic Fulvic Acid. 1986
Extreme weather, health, and communities : interdisciplinary engagement strategies / 2016
Facilities evaluation of high efficiency boiler destruction PCB waste / 1981
Facilities evaluation of high efficiency boiler destruction PCB waste / 1981
Factors affecting the long-term response of surface waters to acidic deposition : state-of-the-science / 1986
Field Evaluation of a Modified VOST Sampling Method. 1993
Field test of cyclodextrin for enhanced in-situ flushing of multiple-component immiscible organic liquid contamination : {microform} project overview and initial results / 1998
Guidelines for the disposal of PCBS amd PCB items by thermal destruction / 1981
Handbook of methods for acid deposition studies : laboratory analyses for soil chemistry / 1990
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