Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A comparison of Florida and northern largemouth bass in Missouri / 1975
Acceptable common names and chemical names for the ingredient statement on pesticide labels / 1979
Acceptable common names and chemical names for the ingredient statement on pesticide labels; 1972
Airborne measurements of a copper smelter plume in Montana : the Anaconda Company, Anaconda, Montana, October 1-December 9, 1976 / 1978
Assessing UST corrective action technologies : diagnostic evaluation of In situ SVE-based system performance : project summary / 1996
Assessment of Potential Radiological Health Effects from Radon in Natural Gas. 1973
Assessment of potential radiological population health effects from radon in liquefied petroleum gas / 1977
Baseline levels of platinum and palladium in human tissue / 1976
Computers and intractability a guide to the theory of NP-completeness / 1991
Effects of Agriculture on Stream Fauna in Central Indiana. 1983
Effects of ozone and nitrogen dioxide on human lung proteinase inhibitors 1987
Efficiency and emissions improvement of gas-fired space heaters task 2, unvented space heater emission reduction: final report / 1984
Electronic Data Analysis and Laboratory Fraud / 2004
Emission factor supporting documentation for the final Mercury and Air Toxics Standards / 2011
Environmental monitoring of a wastewater treatment plant / 1979
Evaluation of two concepts for protection of fish larvae at cooling water intakes / 1980
Examination of the sources of variability in particle emission measurements by the transient test method for heavy-duty diesel engines / 1991
Extreme weather, health, and communities : interdisciplinary engagement strategies / 2016
Factors affecting the long-term response of surface waters to acidic deposition : state-of-the-science / 1986
Fisheries techniques / 1983
Forests for the People The Story of America's Eastern National Forests / [electronic resource] : 2013
Freeboard determination and management in hazardous waste surface impoundments / 1988
Freeboard determination and management in hazardous waste surface impoundments / 1989
Ground water and vadose zone monitoring 1990
Hozhoo Hooghan = Environmental harmony at home / 1995
Hozhoo Keyah = Environmental harmony in business / 1995
Inland Lake Watershed Analysis. A Planning and Management Approach. 1975
Interrelationships of fishes 1996
Inventory and monitoring of salmon habitat in the Pacific Northwest : directory and synthesis of protocols for management/research and volunteers in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and British Columbia / 2001
Investigation into the health of forests in the vicinity of Gothic, Colorado : a scientific report / 1985
Joining together group theory and group skills / 1994
Medical risk in the future force unit of employment : results of the Army Medical Department Transformation Workshop V / 2006
Molecular biology of the cell / 2015
Montour Waste Heat Greenhouse Project. 1982
North Carolina's timber industry : an assessment of timber product output and use, 1994 / 1996
Oxidant effects on rat and human lung proteinase inhibitors 1990
Particle Class Balance Receptor Model for Aerosol Apportionment in Syracuse, New York. 1983
Plan for air pollution research in the Texas Gulf Coast area. 1979
Pollution prevention / 1995
Regional assessment of potential sensitivity of soils in the eastern United States to acid precipitation 1982
Release : a model with data to predict aerosol rainout in accidental releases / 1999
Results of a workshop concerning assessment of the functions of bottomland hardwoods / 1987
Results of an adaptive environmental assessment modeling workshop concerning potential impacts of drilling muds and cuttings on the marine environment 1982
Review of the environmental fate of selected chemicals / 1977
Screening level investigation of water and sediment quality of creeks in ten eastern Washington mining districts, with emphasis on metals 2000
Soil survey of Jackson County area, Oregon / 1994
Spawning behavior and strain tolerance of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis, Mitchill) in acidified water / 1975
Spawning behavior and strain tolerance of brook trout (Salvenius fontinalis, Mitchell) in acidified water / 1975
SPHERE, scientific parameters in health and the environment, retrieval and estimation functional requirements : a functional description for the SPHERE pilot system. 1992
Statistical Considerations in the Employment of Sax (Scanning Electron Microsopy with Automated Image Analysis and X-ray Energy Spectroscopy) Results for Receptor Models. 1983
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