Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
"Yes" or "no" : the guide to better decisions / 1992
100 easy-to-grow native plants : for American gardens in temperate zones / 1999
1982 National Conference on Environmental Engineering : proceedings of the ASCE Environmental Engineering Division, Specialty Conference, Sheraton Ritz Hotel, Minneapolis, Minnesota, July 14-16, 1982 1982
2009 study of the water quality of 194 metropolitan area lakes / 2010
A biological and physical inventory of the streams within the Nez Perce Reservation / 1983
A comparison of Florida and northern largemouth bass in Missouri / 1975
A computer-based cascade impactor data reduction system / 1978
A Data reduction system for cascade impactors / 1978
A field method for measurement of infiltration / 1963
A guide to marine coastal plankton and marine invertebrate larvae / 1996
A literature review of recommended buffer widths to maintain various functions of stream riparian areas / 1992
A literature search and analysis of information regarding sources, uses, production, consumption, reported medical cases, and toxicology of platinum and palladium / Douglas L. Worf. 1974
A method for measuring sediment oxygen demand using a bench model benthic respirometer / 1979
A Monte Carlo approach to simulating residential occupancy periods and its application to the general U.S. population / 1992
A plan of investigation for assessing the environmental impact of snow augmentation in the Sierra Nevada, California : draft / 1974
A population analysis of the Yellowstone grizzly bears / 1974
A preliminary classification of wetland plant communities in north-central Minnesota / 1973
A Research plan for air pollution and related health effects in the Texas Gulf Coast area / 1979
A study of personal exposure to carbon monoxide in Denver, Colorado / 1984
A study of personal exposure to carbon monoxide in Denver, Colorado / 1984
A Study of Personal Exposure to Carbon Monoxide in Denver, Colorado / 1983
A treasury of humor II / 1994
Acceptable common names and chemical names for the ingredient statement on pesticide labels / 1979
Acceptable common names and chemical names for the ingredient statement on pesticide labels; 1972
Accounting Method for Tracking Relative Changes in Agricultural Phosphorus Loading to the Tar-Pamlico River. 2005
Accumulation of PCBs in surficial Lake Superior sediments : atmospheric deposition / 1979
Accuracy of in-service water meters at low and high flow rates / 2011
Acid Deposition and Forest Decline. 1983
Acid deposition and the acidification of soils and waters / 1986
Acid precipitation in the United States : history, extent, sources, prognoses. 1978
Acid rain/fisheries : proceedings of an International Symposium on Acidic Precipitation and Fishery Impacts in Northeastern North America, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, August 2-5, 1981 / 1982
Active tectonics of the Devils Mountain fault and related structures, northern Puget Lowland and eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca region, Pacific Northwest / 2001
Acute toxicity of toxaphene to fathead minnows, channel catfish, and bluegills / 1980
Adenylate Energy Charge and Adenine Nucleotide Measurements as Indicators of Stress in the Mussel, 'Mytilus edulis', Treated with Dredged Material under Laboratory Conditions. 1989
Advanced battery technology, 2010 / 2010
Advances in neurobehavioral toxicology applications in environmental and occupational health / 1990
Advances in sugarbeet production: principles and practices. 1971
Aerial reconnaissance of hazardous substances spills and spill-threat conditions / 1979
Aerodynamic Classification of Fibers with Aerosol Centrifuges. 1990
Aeromagnetic contour map of the Culpeper Basin and vicinity, Virginia 1982
Aerosol Characterization with Centrifugal Aerosol Spectrometers: Theory and Experiment. 1989
Aerosols Generated by Liquid Sludge Application to Land. 1981
Air Emissions Testing. 1993
Air Quality Data Analysis System for Interrelating Effects, Standards, and Needed Source Reductions: Part 10. Potential Ambient O3 Standards to Limit Soybean Crop Reduction. 1988
Air Quality Impacts of Anticipated Development in Oil Shale Operations in Western Colorado and Eastern Utah, Final Report 1981
Airborne measurements of a copper smelter plume in Montana : the Anaconda Company, Anaconda, Montana, October 1-December 9, 1976 / 1978
Airborne measurements of power plant plumes in West Virginia : Kammer and Mitchell power plants, 25 August-11 September 1975 / 1979
Airborne measurements of stratospheric ozone intrusions into the troposphere over the United States : final report 1979
Alcohol/petroleum systems as fuels for diesel engines 1982
Altered hydrology of the Missouri River and its effects on floodplain forest ecosystems 1982
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