Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (AUTHOR=John AND James AND E AND A)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A research plan to study emissions from small internal combustion engines / 1980
A statistical study of coal sulfur variability and related factors / 1980
A statistical study of coal sulfur variability and related factors, documentation for the coal sulfur variability data base and analytical program / 1980
Air emissions from residential heating : the wood heating option put into environmental perspective / 1998
An Introduction to the geology and mineral resources of the continental shelves of the Americas : a description of the continental shelves of the Americas, their potential mineral resources, and problems of petroleum development in the Gulf of Mexico / 1958
Annotated bibliography of Lake Ontario limnological and related studies. / 1973
Applications of receptor modeling methods to source apportionment of arsenic in the Ruston-Tacoma, Washington airshed : a feasibility study / 1984
Baghouse filtration products verification / 1998
Conservative environmentalism : reassessing the means, redefining the ends / 1996
Consultant Report on Emissions Control of Engine Systems. 1974
Consultant report to the Committee on Motor Vehicle Emissions, Commission on Sociotechnical Systems, National Research Council on emissions control of engine systems / 1974
Corporate environmental management training 1989
Development document for proposed effluent limitations guidelines, new source performance standards, and pretreatment standards for the ink formulating point source category. 1979
Development of analytical techniques to measure human exposure to fuel additives / 1974
Evaluation of water quality models : a management guide for planners / 1976
Experiments in Green and Sustainable Chemistry / 2009
Federal facilities assistance program 1980
Final report on interlaboratory cooperative study of the precision and accuracy of the determination of the relative density of black smoke (Ringelmann method) using ASTM method D 3211-73 T / 1974
Final report on interlaboratory cooperative study of the precision and accuracy of the measurement of dustfall using ASTM method D1739 / 1974
Final report on interlaboratory cooperative study of the precision and accuracy of the measurement of total sulfation in the atmosphere using ASTM method D 2010 1974
Final report on interlaboratory cooperative study of the precision of the determination of the average velocity in a duct (pitot tube method) using ASTM method D 3154-72 / 1974
Final report on interlaboratory cooperative study of the precision of the measurement of particulate matter in the atmosphere (optical density of filtered deposit) using ASTM method D 1704 / 1974
Final reports on DS 55-S5 ..., DS 55-S6 ..., DS 55-S8 ... 1975
Fish protection strategies for the design and construction of the Alaska segment of the Alaska natural gas transportation system : draft-- final / 1981
Five-year review program priorities / 2007
Forest opening construction and impacts in northern Wisconsin / 1981
Hackensack Meadowlands air pollution study / 1973
Hydraulics of Spatially Varied Flow in an Irrigation Distribution Channel with Furrow Outlets. 1971
Hydrogeologic atlas, Finksburg quadrangle, Carroll County, Maryland 1981
Indoor Air Pollution in the Residential Environment. Volume I. Data Collection, Analysis and Interpretation. 1978
Journal of bacteriology. 1916
Land-use classification system for use with remote sensor data, 1972
Mixing studies associated with thermal pollution 1970
Nile Delta drill core and sample database for 1985-1994 : Mediterranean Basin (MEDIBA) Program / 1996
Ozone as an aid to coagulation and filtration 1993
Plankton and productivity in the oceans / 1980
Plants used by the Great Lakes Ojibwa / 1993
Problem buildings : building-associated illness and the sick building syndrome / 1989
Proceedings of the North American Conference on Barrens and Savannas at Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois, October 15-16, 1994 / 1994
Program CONTRAST a general program for the analysis of several survival or recovery rate estimates / 1989
Pulmonary Injury in Rats Following Continuous Exposure to 60 Percent O2 for 7 Days. 1981
Removal of Organics from Wastewater by Activated Carbon. 1970
Residential wood combustion study : final report / task 2A Current and projected air quality impacts : 1983
Residential wood combustion study : Task 7, Indoor air quality : final report / 1984
Residential wood combustion study. final report / Task 7, Indoor air quality : 1982
Residential wood combustion study. final report {microfiche} Indoor air quality : 1982
Sampling and analysis of selected toxic substances : task I, vinylidene chloride. 1977
Sampling and analysis of selected toxic substances : task IA : hexachlorobenzene. 1976
Sampling and analysis of selected toxic substances : task IB : hexachlorobutadiene. 1976
Seattle-Tacoma aerosol characterization study (STACS) : quantitative source apportionment of particulate material on days of excessive particulate concentrations using chemical mass balance methods : final report 1985
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