Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 16
Showing: Items 1 - 16
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Jensen AND D AND B)

Select Item Title Year Published
Anomalous Phosphorylated Neurofilament Aggregations in Central and Peripheral Axons of Hens Treated with Tri-Ortho-Cresyl Phosphate (TOCP). 1992
Comparison of the D1-Dopamine Agonists SKF-38393 and A-68930 in Neonatal 6-Hydroxydopamine-Lesioned Rats: Behavioral Effects and Industion of c-fos-Like Immunoreactivity. 1992
Connecting people to science : a national conference on science education and public outreach, proceedings of a conference held at Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 30 July-3 August 2011 / 2012
Development of an adjustable buoyancy ballon [i.e. balloon] tracer of atmospheric motion : phase 1, systems design and demonstration of feasibility / 1985
Effect of Chemotherapy on the In vivo Frequency of Glycophorin A 'Null' Variant Erythrocytes (Revised). 1990
Effects of surface configuration in water pollution control on semiarid mined lands / 1977
Functional Deficits Produced by 3-Methylindole-Induced Olfactory Mucosal Damage Revealed by a Simple Olfactory Learning Task. 1991
Improved Flow Cytometric Assay for Somatic Mutations at the Glycophorin A Locus in Humans. 1990
Life history and ecology of the Gizzard Shad, Dorosoma cepedianum (Le Sueur) with reference to Elephant Butte Lake / 1972
Methods for evaluating riparian habitats with applications to management / 1987
Permanent stabilization of semiarid roadsides with grass, legume and shrub seed mixtures and native grass dryland sodding 1979
Plutonium Finishing Plant wastewater stream-specific report 1990
Processing the plastics from urban refuse / 1972
Rapid soil stabilization and perennial vegetation establishment with use of annual species, irrigation and seedbed treatments 1979
Round Robin Analysis of Alcolol and Carbonyl Synthetic Exhaust Samples. 1994
Tubelings, condensation traps, mature tree transplanting and root sprigging techniques for tree and shrub establishment in semiarid areas 1979

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