Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 23
Showing: Items 1 - 23
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Jenkins AND S AND H)

Select Item Title Year Published
Advances in water pollution research : proceedings of the Fifth International Conference held in San Francisco and Hawaii, 1970 / 1971
Advances in water pollution research proceedings. 1973
Agricultural industry and its effects on water quality proceedings of a conference held at the University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand, 15-18 May 1979 / 1979
Evaluation of improved-type detergents, 1964
Federal Facilities Forum Issue: Field Sampling and Selecting On-Site Analytical Methods for Explosives in Soil. 1996
Field sampling and selecting on-site analytical methods for explosives in soil / 1997
Field sampling and selecting on-site analytical methods for explosives in water 1999
Geology and mineral resources of Noble County, Oklahoma 1979
Health Effects of Ambient Ozone Exposure in Vigorously Exercising Adults. 1986
Indoor, Outdoor, and Personal Air Exposures to Particles, Elements, and Nicotine for 178 Residents of Riverside, California. 1993
Interstate air pollution study : phase II project report. 1966
Marine heavy metals project offshore Nome, Alaska, July - August 1967 1967
Municipal sewage treatment needs / 1958
Municipal waste facilities : 1968 inventory : a cooperative State report / 1971
Municipal Waste Facilities in the United States (1968 Inventory). 1968
Municipal waste facilities in the United States : statistical summary, 1968 inventory / 1970
Phosphorus in fresh water and the marine environment / 1973
Statistical summary of 1962 inventory, municipal waste facilities in the United States / 1964
Statistical summary of municipal water facilities in the United States, January 1, 1958, 1963
Statistical summary of sewage works in the United States, 1958
Sulfur markets for Ohio utilities / 1974
Water pollution research : proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Water Pollution Research held at Paris, 1974 / 1976
Water quality: management and pollution control problems (Jerusalem workshop papers) 1973

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