Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 735
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Select Item Title Year Published
1994 Pilot field operations and methods manual for streams on the coast range ecoregion of Oregon and Washington and the Yakima River Basin 1994
A comparison of plant succession and bird utilization on diked and undiked dredged material islands in North Carolina estuaries / 1978
A Conversation : EPA's past, present and future. 1990
A Diagnostic study of the nutrient loading at Swan Lake, Montana : Swan Lake Clean Lakes Project, phase one : FLBS open file report 138-95 / 1995
A History of Atmospheric CO2 and Its Effects on Plants, Animals, and Ecosystems [electronic resource] / 2005
A national assessment of landscape change and impacts to aquatic resources : a 10-year research strategy for the landscape sciences program. / 2000
A study of emissions from light duty vehicles in six cities / 1973
A study of flow reduction and treatment of waste water from households / 1969
A study of the limestone injection wet scrubbing process / 1971
A study of trends in total phosphorus measurements at NASQAN stations / 1982
Abstracts of industrial NPDES permits 1989
Accident precursor analysis and management : reducing technological risk through diligence / 2004
Acid deposition and the West : a scientific assessment / 1986
Acid mine drainage, rock drainage, and acid sulfate soils : causes, assessment, prediction, prevention, and remediation / 2014
Action Program for Clean Water. 1969
Activated Carbon Filter Bed Efficiency at the Nitro, West Virginia Water Filtration Plant. 1972
Activity of Environmental Samples in a Cell Culture Test for Asbestos Toxicity. 1980
Acute Toxicity, Bioconcentration, and Persistence of AC 222,705, Benthiocarb, Chlorpyrifos, Fenvalerate, Methyl Parathion, and Permethrin in the Estuarine Environment. 1983
Addendum to the Health assessment document for chromium / 1986
Adsorption of Enteroviruses to Soil Cores and Their Subsequent Elution by Artificial Rainwater. 1979
Adsorption, movement, and biological degradation of large concentrations of selected pesticides in soils / 1980
Adsorption-Thermal Desorption as a Method for the Determination of Low Levels of Aqueous Organics. 1982
Advances in Experimental Exposure Methods and Dosimetric Techniques Used in Radio-Frequency Radiation Biological Effects Studies. 1983
Agriculture and ground water quality : examining the issues : (a collection of papers) / 1989
Air Quality, Public Information and Transportation Strategies. 1977
Airborne asbestos concentrations during buffing, burnishing, and stripping of resilient floor tile. 1995
Aircraft emissions at selected airports 1972-1985 : technical report / 1977
Alternative Filtration Methods for Removal of 'Giardia' Cysts and Cyst Models. 1981
Alternative onsite wastewater treatment and disposal systems on severely limited sites / 1986
Alternative onsite wastewater treatment and disposal systems on severely limited sites : project summary / 1987
Alternative short-term NO2 standards : second round analyses / 1979
Alternatives to open burning/open detonation of energetic materials : a summary of current technologies / 1995
Ambient Air Measurements of Hydrogen Peroxide in the California South Coast Air Basin. 1978
Ambient Ammonia Measurements in Coastal Southeastern Virginia. 1981
An approach for developing numeric nutrient criteria for a Gulf Coast estuary / 2008
An EPA manual for organics analysis using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry / 1979
An evaluation of the determination of total organic chlorine (TOC1) in water by adsorption onto ground granular activated carbon, pyrohydrolysis, and chloride-ion measurement / 1977
An evaluation of the secondary effects of air stripping / 1989
An experimental study of turbulence in an urban environment / 1982
An improved method for determining organics in water by activated carbon adsorption and solvent extraction : supporting material for training presentation / 1972
An indirect estimation of convective boundary layer structure for use in routine dispersion models / 1984
An introduction to Fortran 90 for scientific computing / 1994
An Introduction to the geology and mineral resources of the continental shelves of the Americas : a description of the continental shelves of the Americas, their potential mineral resources, and problems of petroleum development in the Gulf of Mexico / 1958
Anaerobic degradation of C1 and C2 chlorinated hydrocarbons final report / 1985
Analyses of impacts of bottom sediments from Grand Calumet River and Indiana Harbor Canal on water quality / 1989
Analyses of PEM-2 model evaluation results for short-term urban particulate matter / 1987
Analyses of PEM-2 model evaluation results for short-term urban particulate matter / 1987
Analysis of carbonaceous aerosols using the thermal optical transmittance and thermal optical reflectance methods / 1999
Analysis of diesel fuel quality issues in Maricopa County, Arizona 1997
Analysis of engineering alternatives for environmental protection from thermal discharges / 1973
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