Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 16
Showing: Items 1 - 16

Select Item Title Year Published
Assessment of the effect of the Leonardtown sewage treatment plant on Breton Bay, 1972
Development of a Neanthes sediment bioassay for use in Puget Sound / 1990
Effects of entrainment of zooplankton at three Mid-Atlantic power plants 1974
Effects of Sublethal Concentrations of Cadmium on Adult 'Palaemonetes pugio' under Static and Flow-Through Conditions. 1982
Effects of suspended sediment on the development and hatching success of yellow perch and striped bass eggs 1974
Field Verification Program (Aquatic Disposal). A Field and Laboratory Study Using Adenylate Energy Charge as an Indicator of Stress in 'Mytilus edulis' and 'Nephtys incisa' Treated with Dredged Material. 1988
Influence of the Water-Accommodated Fraction of No. 2 Fuel Oil on Energetics of 'Cancer irroratus' Larvae. 1981
International Study on 'Artemia'. XXVI. Food Value of Nauplii from Reference 'Artemia' Cysts and Four Geographical Collections of 'Artemia' for Mud Crab Larvae. 1982
International Study on 'Artemia': 21. Investigations into Why Some Strains of 'Artemia' Are Better Food Sources Than Others. Further Nutritional Work With Larvae of the Mud Crab, 'Rhithropanopeus harrisii'. 1981
Marine Ecotoxicological Testing with Crustaceans. 1984
Neanthes long-term exposure experiment further evaluation of the relationship between juvenile growth and reproductive success / 1991
Neanthes long-term exposure experiment the relationship between juvenile growth and reproductive success / 1990
Protocol for juvenile Neanthes sediment bioassay / 1990
Water demand forecasting in uncertain times : isolating the effects of the great recession / 2016
Yolk Utilization and Growth to Yolk-Sac Absorption in Summer Flounder ('Paralichthys dentatus') Larvae at Constant and Cyclic Temperatures. 1981
Yolk Utilization in Summer Flounder ('Paralichthys dentatus') Embryos and Larvae Reared at Two Temperatures. 1980

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