Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
1,2-Dibromoethane Causes Rat Hepatic DNA Damage at Low Doses. 1986
A Chesapeake Bay review : research and responsibilities : prepared for the Chesapeake Bay Program ... / 1976
A Primer on Nonmarket Valuation / 2017
A primer on nonmarket valuation / 2003
A Requirements study of an automated advisory system for review of RCRA permits / 1986
A study of the agroclimatology of the highlands of Eastern Africa / 1973
Advanced concepts test facility-measurements and suggested test plan : interim report 1980
Allylisopropylacetamide Induces Rat Hepatic Ornithine Decarboxylase (Journal Version). 1987
An introduction to Mid-Atlantic seasonal pools / 2005
Analysis of FP Air Tracer MAterials. 1965
Application of a water quality assessment modeling system at a superfund site / 1991
Archaebacterial RNA Polymerase Binding Site and Transcription Initiation of the hisA Gene in 'Methanococcus vannielii'. 1988
Assess : a quality assessment program. 1990
Assessing the Performance of Full-Scale Environmental Chambers Using an Independently Measured Emission Source. 1999
Assessment of techniques for detoxification of selected hazardous materials / 1977
Basis for educational recommendations on reducing childhood lead exposure / 2000
Beneficial co-utilization of agricultural, municipal, and industrial by-products / 1998
Bergey's Manual(R) of Systematic Bacteriology Volume Four The Bacteroidetes, Spirochaetes, Tenericutes (Mollicutes), Acidobacteria, Fibrobacteres, Fusobacteria, Dictyoglomi, Gemmatimonadetes, Lentisphaerae, Verrucomicrobia, Chlamydiae, and Planctomycetes / [electronic resource] : 2010
Bibliography of Bureau of Mines health and safety publications, January 1947-June 1955, 1956
Bioavailability of sediment-bound contaminants to marine organisms / 1993
Biochemical Effects of DDT and DDE in Rat and Mouse Liver (Journal Version). 1988
Biochemical Effects of Three Carcinogenic Chlorinated Methances in Rat Liver. 1989
Biochemical Effects of Three Chlorinated Phenols in Rat Liver. 1988
Biochemical Effects of Two Promoters of Hepatocarcinogenesis in Rats. 1987
Biochemical Studies of Promoters of Carcinogenesis in Rat Liver. 1989
Biochemical Studies of Six Nitrogen-Containing Heterocycles in Rat Tissues. 1989
Bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons : a flexible, variable speed technology / 1996
Biota of freshwater ecosystems : identification manual / 1972
Cadmium and chromium recovery from electroplating rinsewaters / 1994
Carcinogenic Risk of Non-Uniform Alpha Particle Irradiation in the Lungs: Radon Progeny Effects at Bronchial Bifurcations. 1992
Catalytic oxidation of fuels for NOx control from area sources / 1976
Characterization of chemical waste site contamination and its extent using bioassays 1984
Characterizing risk at metal finishing facilities / 1998
Chemical Speciation and Competitive Cationic Partitioning on a Sandy Aquifer Material. 1989
Chemical Substitution for 1,1,1,-Trichloroethane and Methanol in an Industrial Cleaning Operation. 1992
Chemistry for science and engineering 1981
Combined Chemical and Biological Oxidation of Slurry Phase Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. 1995
Combustion disposal of manure wastes and utilization of the residue / 1972
Combustion modification controls for residential and commercial heating systems / 1981
Comparison of Design Specifications for Three Large Environmental Chambers. 1998
Comparison of Emission Models with On-Road Heavy-Duty Diesel Modal Data. 1997
Comparison of the sink characteristics of three full-scale environmental chambers {miroform} / 1999
Data on natural organic substances in dissolved, colloidal, suspended-silt and -clay, and bed-sediment phases in the Mississippi River and some of its tributaries, 1987-90 1995
Demonstration of multimetal continuous emission monitors for real-time measurement of trace hazardous metals / 1997
Development of a capillary wick unsaturated zone pore water sampler. 1988
Development of a capillary wick unsaturated zone pore water sampler. 1989
Development of a decision process for prioritization of emerging pathogens research 2000
Development of the Westvaco activated carbon process for SOx recovery as elemental sulfur / 1976
Development of the Westvaco Activated Carbon Process for SOx Recovery as Elemental Sulfur. Volume I. 1976
Diffusive sampling an alternative approach to workplace air monitoring : the proceedings of an international symposium held in Luxembourg, 22-26 September 1986, organised jointly by the Commission of the European Communities and the United Kingdom Health and Safety Executive in cooperation with the United Kingdom Royal Society of Chemistry and the World Health Organisation / 1987
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