Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 91
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Your Search: (AUTHOR=Hudson AND T)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1952-1955 Illinois drought with special reference to impounding reservoir design / 1955
Acceptable common names and chemical names for the ingredient statement on pesticide labels / 1975
Adsorption of odorous pollutants by active manganese dioxide / 1974
Analysis Models for Solid Waste Collection. Volume I. 1975
Analysis Models for Solid Waste Collection. Volume II. 1975
Baseline risk assessment for aquatic life for the Buffalo River, New York, area of concern / 1995
Benefit/Cost Evaluation of Drinking Water Hygiene Programs. 1975
Business without economists : an irreverent guide / 1987
Chironomidae of the southeastern United States : a checklist of species and notes on biology, distribution, and habitat / 1990
Classification of American Cities for Case Study Analysis. Volume II. Detailed Report. 1977
Classification of American Cities for Case Study Analysis. Volume III. Documentation of Data Used in Factor Analysis and City Classification. 1977
Cloud Condensation Nuclei Measurements within Clouds. 1984
Coming clean for economic development : a resource book on environmental cleanup and economic development / 1995
Considerations in rangeland watershed monitoring 1985
Control of the plant environment : proceedings of the University of Nottingham Fourth Easter School in Agricultural Science, 1957. / 1957
Cyclopoid and harpacticoid copepods of the Laurentian Great Lakes 1998
Detection of Rotavirus in Human Stools by Using Monoclonal Antibody. 1984
Effects of mercury compounds on algae / 1973
Environmental Management and Public Policy: An Analysis of the Environmental Impact Statement Process with Emphasis on Procedures of the Environmental Protection Agency and Federal Agency Activities in the Southeastern United States. 1974
Forecasting onsite soil absorption system failure rates / 1986
Forecasting onsite soil absorption system failure rates {microfiche} 1986
Forgotten genius / 2007
Geomorphic Approaches to Integrated Floodplain Management of Lowland Fluvial Systems in North America and Europe [electronic resource] / 2015
Ground-water levels in New Mexico, 1965, and changes in water levels, 1961-1965, 1967
Ground-water levels in New Mexico, 1967 1969
Ground-water levels in New Mexico, 1970, and changes in water levels, 1966-1970 / 1974
Ground-water levels in New Mexico, 1971 1974
Ground-water levels in New Mexico, 1972 / 1972
Ground-water levels in New Mexico, 1973 1975
Ground-water levels in New Mexico, 1974 / 1976
Guidelines for conducting the AHERA TEM clearance test to determine completion of an asbestos abatement project : final report / 1989
Handbook of coaching : a comprehensive resource guide for managers, executives, consultants, and human resource professionals / 1999
Handbook of toxicity of pesticides to wildlife / 1984
Human genome project exploring our molecular selves / {electronic resource} : 2001
Identification and evaluation of sources for the Toxicology Data Bank : report of a workshop held at the National Library of Medicine, May 1-2 and June 27, 1984 / 1985
Improving environmental quality through the use of local ordinances and regulations / 1979
Influence of Sieve Mesh Size Selectivity on Benthic Invertebrate Indices of Eutrophication. 1975
Institutional Aspects of Wastewater Management: The Boston Case Study. 1979
Institutional assessment of the implementation and enforcement of the Clean Air Act : Florida case study (draft) 1980
Institutional assessment of the implementation and enforcement of the Clean Air Act : summary of EPA SIP and enforcement procedures (draft) 1981
Institutional assessment of the implementation and enforcement of the Clean Air Act : summary report 1980
Intact or unit-kernel sweet corn / 1979
Introduction to stack sampling for particulates 1973
Joint Strategies for Urban Transportation, Air Quality and Energy Conservation. Joint Action Programs. 1974
Kinetics of sulfur dioxide oxidation in aqueous solution / 1979
Lake Water Quality Assessment Grant No. 2. Final Report. (Includes Lake Water Quality Assessment Program, 1992. Northeastern Illinois Lakes). 1994
Lake Water Quality Assessment Program, 1992. Northeastern Illinois Lakes. 1993
Lake Water Quality Assessment Program, 1993. Northeastern Illinois Lakes. 1995
Landscape linkages and biodiversity 1991
Low & Clear 2012
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