Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (AUTHOR=Howard AND E)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A statistical study of the intestinal parasites of 500 white male patients at the United States Government Hospital for the Insane / 1903
A study of industrial data on candidate chemicals for testing : research request no. 3/ SRI International ; prepared for United States, Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Toxic Substances ; Project Officer: James Darr. 1978
Air and waste management : a laboratory/field handbook / 1994
Air pollution control 1979
Air pollution control : traditional and hazardous pollutants / 1996
Air pollution control traditional and hazardous pollutants / 1991
Analysis of a Marine Fish Cell Line from a Male Sheepshead. 1980
Analysis of Trifluorothymidine-Resistant (TFT(sup r)) Mutants of L5178Y/TK(sup +/-) Mouse Lymphoma Cells. 1985
Annual report on the United States seafood industry. 1993
Application of ecosystem modeling methodologies to dredged material research 1976
Asbestos fibers in natural runoff and discharges from sources manufacturing asbestos products / 1976
Assessing the Performance of Full-Scale Environmental Chambers Using an Independently Measured Emission Source. 1999
Auto fuel systems 1987
Biological treatment of aqueous hazardous wastes / 1987
Biological treatment of leachate from a superfund site / 1989
C-Banding of Chromosomes from Three Established Marine Fish Cell Lines. 1980
Characterization of Aerosols from a Water-Based Cleaner Applied with a Hand-Pump Sprayer. 2000
Characterization of Emissions from Conversion Varnishes. 1996
Characterization of the Usefulness of the Field and Laboratory Emission Cell (FLEC) for the Evaluation of Emissions from Engineered Wood Products. 1998
Characterizing sink effects in large environmental chambers miroform / 1997
Chemical market input/output analysis of selected chemical substances to assess sources of environmental contamination : task II: biphenyl and diphenyl oxide / 1977
Chemically Reacting Turbulent Jets. 1982
Clark Fork Basin Project status report and action plan 1988
Coastal ecological systems of the United States. 1974
Coastal Ecological Systems of the United States. / 1969
Comparison of Design Specifications for Three Large Environmental Chambers. 1998
Comparison of the sink characteristics of three full-scale environmental chambers {miroform} / 1999
Conn's current therapy 2011 / 2011
Conservation survey manual 1982
Control of Radon and Daughters in Uranium Mines and Calculations on Biologic Effects. 1950
Control of Silicosis in Vermont Granite Industry. 1957
Crustal structure of the Cascadia fore arc of Washington / 2005
Demonstration of water quality enhancement through the use of the Garton pump 1976
Development of criteria on cadmium 0
Emission control from industrial boilers / 1995
Enteric Virus Removal in Wastewater Treatment Lagoon Systems. 1983
Environmental geochemistry in health and disease; American Association for Advancement of Science symposium ... 1971
Evaluation of emission control criteria for hazardous waste management facilities : final report / 1978
Experiments on evaporative emissions in ventilated rooms / 1998
Fate of priority pollutants in publicly owned treatment works : interim report / 1996
Final report on effect of concentration and solubility of organic chemicals on their biodegradation 1982
Fine particles in gaseous media 1986
Fine particles in gaseous media / 1977
Fugitive emissions and controls / 1983
Gas-Phase and Particulate Emissions during Application of a Water-Based Cleaner with a Hand-Pump Sprayer. 1999
Great Lakes water quality : status report on organic and heavy metal contaminants in Lakes Erie, Michigan, Huron and Superior basins / 1978
Guide for Contract Project Officers. 1971
Handbook of applied multivariate statistics and mathematical modeling / 2000
In situ Analysis of Trifluorothymidine-Resistant (TFT(sup r) Mutants of L5178Y/TK(sup +/-) Mouse Lymphoma Cells. 1985
Incinerability ranking of hazardous organic compounds / 1989
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