Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A comparison of film badges and thermoluminescent dosimeters used for environmental monitoring / 1972
Acid precipitation and forest growth in the eastern United States / 1975
Analysis of ecological systems / 1979
Aquatic biology and the pulp and paper industry : report no. 1 / 1979
Aquatic biology and the pulp and paper industry; report no. 2. 1971
Bibliography of literature related to mercury : a study on the preparation of a materials balance and technology assessment of mercury and mercury compounds on national and limited geographical bases / 1975
Bibliography of Literature Related to Mercury. 1975
Breaking the environmental gridlock the report of a national conference / 1988
Climatic charts and data of the radio refractive index for the United States and the world / 1960
Creosote-treated wood poles and crossarms toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) results / 1992
Decomposition of organic compounds by marine microorganisms / 1950
Detailed Heat Release Analyses with Regard to Combustion of RME and Oxygenated Fuels in an HSDI Diesel Engine / 2007
Dry weight biomass data for four abundant grasshopper species of the Pawnee site / 1969
Earth, the sequel : the race to reinvent energy and stop global warming / 2009
Earth, the sequel : the race to reinvent energy and stop global warming / 2008
Ecological approach to pest management 1988
Effects of thermal stratification upon oxygen resources : John H. Kerr Reservoir : interim report / 1968
Electric utility emissions : control strategies and costs / 1981
Environmental monitoring with thermoluminescent dosimeters : an evaluation of the system and a comparison to photographic methods / 1969
Evaluation of the E.G. & G. thermoluminescent dosimetry system / 1966
Factors influencing the public perception of risks to health and safety: a brief summary 1977
Factors which control the distribution of ferromanganese nodules and proposed research vessel's track, North Pacific : Phase II, Ferromanganese Program, NSF/IDOE 1973
Ferromanganese deposits on the ocean floor; papers from a conference {held at} Arden House January 20-22, 1972. 1972
Grasshopper population numbers and biomass dynamics on the Pawnee site from fall of 1968 through 1970 / 1972
Ground-water withdrawals from Coastal Plain aquifers for public supply and self-supplied industrial use in Middlesex and Monmouth Counties, New Jersey, 1901-85 1991
Hackensack Meadowlands air pollution study / 1973
Hackensack Meadowlands Air Pollution Study. AQUIP Software System User's Manual. 1974
Having something to say when you have to say something / 1998
Hydrogen cyanide health effects / 1981
Hydrogen cyanide health effects {Microfiche} 1981
Immunogenicity of Biopharmaceuticals [electronic resource] / 2008
Intellectual and behavioral effects of lead poisoning in children / 1974
Intertidal fishes : life in two worlds / 1999
Materials balance and technology assessment of mercury and its compounds on national and regional bases. 1975
Method for estimating water use and interbasin transfers of freshwater and wastewater in an urbanized basin / 2000
Moths of Ohio : field guide / 2017
Pentachlorophenol (PCP)-treated wood poles and crossarms toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) results / 1990
Phosphate Removal by Activated Sludge Amenability Studies at Indianapolis, Indiana. 1968
Problems in organic chemistry : a lead-oriented approach 1986
Review of new source performance standards for coal-fired utility boilers : phase 3, final report : sensitivity studies for the selection of a revised standard / 1980
Review of New Source Performance Standards for Coal-Fired Utility Boilers, Phase Three Report, Sensitivity Studies for the Selection of a Revised Standard. 1979
Source assessment : acroylonitrile manufacture (air emissions) / 1977
Source assessment : Polychloroprene, state of the art / 1977
Source assessment : prescribed burning, state of the art / 1979
Source assessment : prioritization of stationary air pollution from industrial surface coating operations / 1975
Source assessment : rubber processing : state of the art / 1978
Source assessment : solvent evaporation - degreasing operations / 1979
Sulfuric acid health effects / 1981
Summary of Hudson River PCB study results 1978
Summary of Hudson River PCB study results / 1978
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