Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 18
Showing: Items 1 - 18
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Hester AND R AND E)

Select Item Title Year Published
Air quality in urban environments / 2009
Airborne particulate matter : sources, atmospheric processes, and health / 2016
Carbon capture : sequestration and storage / 2010
Causes and environmental implications of increased UV-B radiation 2000
Chemical alternatives assessments / 2013
Chlorinated organic micropollutants / 1996
Electronic waste management / 2009
Endocrine disrupting chemicals 1999
Environmental and health impact of solid waste management activities 2002
Fracking / 2015
Geoengineering of the climate system / 2014
Global environmental change / 2002
Indoor air pollution / 2019
Mining and its environmental impact 1994
Nanotechnology : consequences for human health and the environment / 2007
Nanotechnology : consequences for human health and the environment / 2009
Spectroscopy of matrix isolated species 1989
Sustainable water / 2011

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