Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 17
Showing: Items 1 - 17
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Heller AND L)

Select Item Title Year Published
Economic Analysis for Listing of Inorganic Chemicals, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. 2000
Economic analysis of air pollution regulations : miscellaneous organic chemicals (MON) / 2002
Economic analysis of air pollution regulations : miscellaneous organic chemicals (MON) / 2002
Economic analysis of air pollution regulations : NESHAP for organic liquids distribution / 2003
Economic impact analysis for the nitric acid manufacturing NSPS / 2012
Economic impact analysis of the plastic parts and products NESHAP 2003
Economic impact anaylsis of the standards of performance for stationary compression ignition internal combustion engines / 2006
Economic impact of air pollutant emission guidelines for existing municipal waste combustors : final report / 1989
Economic impact of air pollutant emission standards for new municipal waste combustors : final report / 1989
Effect of Added Water and Acidity of Simulated Rain on Growth of Field-Grown Radish. 1982
Effects of Acidity of Simulated Rain and Its Joint Action with Ambient Ozone on Measures of Biomass and Yield in Soybean. 1983
Effects of Simulated Acidic Rain Applied Alone and in Combination with Ambient Rain on Growth and Yield of Field-Grown Snap Bean. 1984
EPA/NIH mass spectral data base : 1983 cumulative indexes to EPA/NIH mass spectral data base / 1983
EPA/NIH mass spectral data base. Supplement 2, 1983 / 1983
Quality Control and Evaluation of Mass Spectra. 1982
Reconnaissance data on lakes in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness Area, Washington / 1979
Taconite iron ore NESHAP : economic impact analysis / 2003

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