Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 10
Showing: Items 1 - 10
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Heath AND Robert AND G)

Select Item Title Year Published
Effects of diversion and alum application on two eutrophic lakes / 1978
Final report for task 2-10, subtask 2 : guidelines for monitoring waste effluent and receiving waters for 3,4-dichlorobenzotrifluoride / 1987
Final report for task 2-33, subtask 1 : guidelines for monitoring waste effluent and receiving waters for 3,4-dichlorobenzotrifluoride / 1987
Guidelines for monitoring waste effluent and receiving waters for 3,4-Dichlorobenzotrifluoride (DCBTF) 1987
Interim report for task 1-35 : feasibility of using environmentally defined hydrogeologic settings in designing surveys of ground-water quality / 1986
Marked DDE Impairment of Mallard Reproduction in Controlled Studies. 1969
Method for evaluating and using hydrogeologic settings in studies of ground-water quality : report for Task 2-14 / 1987
Proposal for evaluation and report presentation of quality control data : EPA/VA interagency study of PCCD and PCDF levels in human adipose tissue : prepared for Task 1-4 subtask 5, review of QA data for the VA dioxin study / 1988
Review and evaluation of the quality assurance program for the study of dioxin and furan levels in adipose tissue of U.S. adult males : final report / 1988
Trip Robert G. Heath on March 23 - 25, 1988 to Midwest Research Institute (MRI), Kansas City, Missouri 1988

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