Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 49
Showing: Items 1 - 49
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Hassan AND S AND T)

Select Item Title Year Published
Annotated bibliography of Lake Ontario limnological and related studies. / 1973
Annotated bibliography of Lake Ontario limnological and related studies. Prepared for Office of Research and Monitoring, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1973
Arsenic in Groundwater : Poisoning and Risk Assessment / 2017
Big data : techniques and technologies in geoinformatics / 2014
Biochemical Effects in the Rabbit of Repeated Administration of a Mixture of DDT, Carbaryl, and Parathion. 1970
Biochemical Effects in the Rabbit of Repeated Administration of DDT, Carbaryl, and Parathion. 1969
Carbonate Equilibria and Groundwater Sample Collection: Implications for Estimated Average Subsurface Properties in Continental North America. 1991
Chemical Speciation and Competitive Cationic Partitioning on a Sandy Aquifer Material. 1989
Chiral pollutants : distribution, toxicity, and analysis by chromatography and capillary electrophoresis / 2004
Climate Change and Biodiversity Proceedings of IGU Rohtak Conference, Vol. 1 / [electronic resource] : 2014
Contemporary Bioethics Islamic Perspective / [electronic resource] : 2015
Control of emissions from light piston-engine aircraft / 1973
Development and Validation of a New Zero-Dimensional Semi-Physical NOx Emission Model for a D.I. Diesel Engine Using Simulated Combustion Process / 2015
Drought in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions A Multi-Disciplinary and Cross-Country Perspective / [electronic resource] : 2013
Ecosystems and human well-being : current state and trends : findings of the Condition and Trends Working Group of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment / 2005
Elimination of Spectral Interferences in Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy Using Orthogonal Polynomials. 1990
Empirical Models of Pb and Cd Partitioning Using Data from 13 Soils, Sediments, and Aquifer Materials. 2005
Evaluation of Technologies for Treating Aqueous Metal/Cyanide Bearing Hazardous Waste (F007). 1988
Everyday environmental toxins : children's exposure risks / 2015
Fluctuations in the atmospheric inertia: 1873-1950. 1961
Food Security and Risk Reduction in Bangladesh [electronic resource] / 2015
Geospatial Data Science Techniques and Applications. 2017
Ground-water geology of Kordofan Province, Sudan 1968
Implementing Environmental Accounts Case Studies from Eastern and Southern Africa / [electronic resource] : 2013
Indoor wayfinding and navigation / 2015
Instrumental methods in metal ion speciation / 2006
Inventory of forms of nutrients stored in a watershed 1975
ISFRAM 2014 Proceedings of the International Symposium on Flood Research and Management / [electronic resource] : 2015
Landscape Ecology and Water Management Proceedings of IGU Rohtak Conference, Vol. 2 / [electronic resource] : 2014
Mesopotamian marshlands : demise of an ecosystem / 2001
Methodologies for extraction of dissolved inorganic carbon for stable carbon isotope studies : evaluation and alternatives / 1982
Modeling Geochemical Processes Attenuating Inorganic Contaminant Transport in the Subsurface Region: Adsorption on Amorphous Iron Oxide. 1989
Modeling Geochemical Processes Attenuating Inorganic Contaminant Transport in the Subsurface Region: Implementing Adsorption Processes, March 1990. 1990
Modelling interactions between vector-borne diseases and environment using GIS / 2015
Numerical Modeling of Unsaturated Ground-Water Flow Including Effects of Evapotranspiration. 1972
Observations on the Alteration by Carbaryl of Smooth Muscle Preparation Responses to Norepinephrine. 1971
Organic analysis using atomic absorption spectrometry 1984
Organic analysis using ion-selective electrodes 1982
Pharmacological Effects of Carbaryl II. Modification of Serotonin Metabolism in the Rat Brain. 1970
Pilot Scale Treatment of Aqueous Metal and Cyanide Bearing Hazardous Wastes. 1987
Quality and reliability in analytical chemistry 2001
Separation techniques in clinical chemistry / 2003
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Lower Miocene Moghra Formation in the Qattara Depression, North Western Desert, Egypt [electronic resource] / 2013
START implementation plan, 1997-2002 1998
Steam stripping and batch distillation for the removal/recovery of volatile organic compounds / 1989
The role of soils and sediments in reducing the concentration of heavy metals, fluorides, and pesticides in percolating waste discharges. 1972
Transforming Water Management in South Africa Designing and Implementing a New Policy Framework / [electronic resource] : 2011
Treatment of Aqueous Metal Bearing Hazardous Wastes. 1987
Water Resources in the Middle East Israel-Palestinian Water Issues - From Conflict to Cooperation / [electronic resource] : 2007

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