Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 15
Showing: Items 1 - 15
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Harwell AND Mark AND A)

Select Item Title Year Published
Advisory on the development of phase II of the index of watershed indicators. 1997
Advisory on the need to develop ecological risk management guidelines. 1997
Advisory on the problem formulation phase of EPA's watershed ecological risk assessment case studies. 1997
An SAB report : ecological impacts and evaluation criteria for the use of structures in marsh management / 1998
An SAB report : review of a methodology for establishing human health and ecologically based exit criteria for the hazardous waste identification rule (HWIR) / 1996
An SAB report : review of the acid deposition standard feasibility study report to Congress / 1995
An SAB report : review of the Agency's approach for developing sediment criteria for five metals / 1995
Anthropogenic stresses on ecosystems : issues and indicators of response and recovery / 1987
Evaluation of proposed environmental scoring methodology 1985
Evaluation of Superfund ecotox threshold benchmark values for water and sediment. 1997
Notification of a consultation on a proposal for an ecosystem index site network under the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program / 1995
Notification of a consultation on ecological/economic modeling and ecosystems valuation / 1995
Notification of a consultation on the selection and use of case studies in the ecological risk assessment guidelines / 1995
Review of the EPA's draft ecological research strategy. 1997
Science Advisory Board review of the technical basis for listing ammonia on the toxics release [inventory]. 1995

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