Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, 1986 1986
Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, 1987 1987
Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, 1988 1988
Atlas of the errantiate polychaetous annelids from California. 1968
Atlas of the sedentariate polychaetous annelids from California. 1969
Beach forms and coastal processes / 1975
Blackstone River initiative : water quality analysis of the Blackstone River under wet and dry weather conditions / 2001
California and the Nation; a study of governments 1971
Case studies of surface mining; proceedings. 1969
Catalogue of the polychaetous annelids of the world / 1959
Catalogue of the Polychaetous Annelids of the world. part 1-2 : Suppl. 1960-1965 and index / - - : 1965
Conversion factors for the Pacific Northwest forest industry : converting forest growth to forest products 1976
Deep-water benthic polychaetous annelids off New England to Bermuda and other North Atlantic areas. 1965
Design for Total Organics Removal at Cincinnati. 1992
Dual process high-rate filtration of raw sanitary sewage and combined sewer overflows / 1979
Effect of exposure to environmental normoxia and hypoxia on photoshynthetic rate and chlorophyll concentration in intertidal Zostera marina leaves 1995
Effects of application of glyphosate during summer on epiphytes of the eelgrasses Zostera marina and Zostera japonica in Padilla Bay, Washington 1994
Effects of exploitation, environmental changes, and new species on the fish habitats and resources of Lake Erie / 1973
Emission test report : OMSS field test on carbon injection for mercury control / 1992
Emission test report : OMSS field test on carbon injection for mercury control / 1992
Emission test report : petroleum refinery wastewater treatment system, Chevron U.S.A., Incorporated, El Segundo, California / 1984
Emission test report : petroleum refinery wastewater treatment system, Golden West Refining Company, Santa Fe Springs, California / 1984
Emission test report : petroleum refinery wastewater treatment system, Phillips Petroleum Company, Sweeny, Texas / 1984
Environmental atlas of Alaska 1978
Environmental atlas of Alaska, 1969
EPA enforcement manual 1993
Feasibility study of granular activated carbon adsorption and on-site regeneration / 1982
Feasibility study of granular activated carbon adsorption and on-site regeneration / 1982
Feasibility Study of Granular Activated Carbon Adsorption and On-Site Regeneration. Volume 2: Supplemental Figures and Data. 1982
Flowering plants : the Santa Monica Mountains, coastal & chaparral regions of Southern California / 2000
Flue gas desulfurization system capabilities for coal-fired steam generators / 1978
Flue gas desulfurization system capabilities for coal-fired steam generators, v.2 - technical report. 1978
Information specialist's guide to searching and researching on the Internet and the World Wide Web 1999
Laboratory and field evaluation of the Semi-VOST (Semi-Volatile Organic Sampling Train) method : volume 1 / 1985
Laboratory and field evaluation of the Semi-VOST (Semi-Volatile Organic Sampling Train) method : volume 2 appendices / 1985
Lime FGD systems data book / 1979
Literature of the polychaetous annelids. 1951
Literature review and survey of emissions from residential wood combustion and their impact / 1985
Literature review and survey of emissions from residential wood combustion and their impact / 1985
Literature review and survey of emissions from residential wood combustion and their impact / 1985
Management information systems handbook: analysis, requirements determination, design and development, implementation and evaluation 1969
Mine ventilation and air conditioning 1997
Miniaturized microbiological methods 1968
National dioxin study tier 4 : combustion sources : final test report : site 13 : residential wood stove WS : A / 1987
National dioxin study tier 4 : combustion sources : sampling procedures / 1984
Neuropsychological toxicology identification and assessment of human neurotoxic syndromes / 1988
Organism-substrate relationships in streams : a symposium held at the Pymatuning Laboratory of Ecology on July 16 and 17, 1964 / 1966
Polychaetous annelids / 1944
Polychaetous annelids. Part II. Chrysopetalidae to Goniadidae. 1940
Proceedings of the Great Lakes Water Level Forecasting and Statistics symposium, May 17 & 18, 1990, Windsor, Ontario 1990
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