Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A preliminary model for consumer predation / 1971
A quantitative food web analysis of a shortgrass community / 1972
AFCONS : a dynamic simulation model of an interactive herbivore community / 1972
Agricultural and silvicultural nonpoint source water pollution control in Texas : proceedings of 208 Planning for Texas Conference / 1977
An evaluation of emission factors for waste-to-energy systems / 1980
Assessing Indoor Air Pollution Exposure and Lung Cancer Risk in Xuan Wei, China. 1989
Assessment of Atmospheric Emissions from Petroleum Refining: Volume 4. Appendices C, D, and E. 1980
Assessment of VOC emissions from well vents associated with thermally enhanced oil recovery : final report / 1981
Battery-Powered PM-10 Indoor Air Samplers Applied to Unvented Third World Residential Combustion Sources. 1993
Biased DNA Integration in 'Colletotrichum gloeosporioides f. sp. aeschynomene' Transformants with Benomyl Resistance. 1993
Carbon disulfide emission control options 1992
Cesium 1979
Comparisons of the Effects of TCDD and Hydrocortisone on Growth Factor Expression Provide Insight into Their Interaction in the Embryonic Mouse Palate. 1992
Computer management of geologic and petroleum data at the North Dakota Geological Survey / 1982
Connexins A Guide / [electronic resource] : 2009
Design, Construction, and Testing of a Commercial Prototype Disc Diluter. 1974
Destroying Chemical Wastes in Commercial Scale Incinerators. Facility Report No. 2, Surface Combustion Division, Midland-Ross Corporation. 1976
Destroying Chemical Wastes in Commercial-Scale Incinerators. 1976
Determination of Dissolved Kepone by Direct Addition of XAD-2 Resin to Water. 1981
Economic Implications of Biological Control of Arundo donax in the Texas Rio Grande Basin. 2009
Effects of Physicochemical Factors and Bacterial Colony Morphotype on Association of 'Vibrio vulnificus' with Hemocytes of 'Crassostrea virginica'. 1993
ENERGY STAR Label Needs to Assure Superior Energy Conservation Performance. A Summary Report. 2010
Environmental requirements and pollution tolerance of trichoptera / 1978
EPA Actively Evaluating Effectiveness of Its BP and Enbridge Oil Spill Response Communications. Evaluation Report. 2011
EPA/IERL-RTP interim procedures for level 2 sampling and analysis of organic materials / 1978
EPA/IERL-RTP procedures for level 2 sampling and analysis of organic materials / 1979
Epidemiology of Lung Cancer in Xuan Wei, China: Current Progress, Issues, and Research Strategies (Journal Version). 1988
Evaluation of ammonia emissions from swine operations in North Carolina / 1998
Evaluation Report: Improvements Needed to Validate Reported ENERGY STAR Benefits. 2008
Evaluation study of direct recirculation on a high-rate trickling filter, Newberry, S.C. 1952
Ferroalloy process emissions measurement / 1979
Field Evaluation of a Method for Estimating Gaseous Fluxes from Aera Sources Using Open-Path FTIR. 1999
Floods of January-February 1963 in California and Nevada 1966
Fluoride pollution in the Flathead County, Montana / 1974
Fluoride Pollution in the Flathead County, Montana. 1974
Follow-up of patients receiving diagnostic doses of 131 iodine during childhood / 1978
Frequency of leak occurrence for fittings in synthetic organic chemical plant process units / 1981
Full-Scale Laboratory Simulation Facility to Test Particulate and Organic Emissions from a Third World Residential Combustion Process. 1. Facility Description and Results of Tests of Three Rural China Residential Coals, a U.S. Coal, and Wood. 1992
Furthur characterization of sorbents for environmental sampling / 1979
Genetic mechanisms in carcinogenesis and tumor progression : proceedings of a Genentech-UCLA symposium held at Keystone, Colorado, January 21-27, 1989 / 1990
Guidelines for stack testing at municipal waste combustion facilities / 1988
Guidelines for stack testing of municipal waste combustion facilities / 1988
Habitat, biota, and sediment characteristics at selected stations in the lower Illinois River basin, Illinois, 1996-98 / 2001
Hazard Evaluation Division standard evaluation procedure : toxicity potential : guidance for analysis and evaluation of subchronic and chronic exposure studies / 1985
Hazardous waste : confronting the challenge / 1987
Heterogeneity of Human Natural Killer (NK) Cells: Enrichment of NK by Negative-Selection with the Lectin from 'Erythrina cristagalli' (Journal Version). 1987
Hydronephrosis in Mice Exposed to TCDD-Contaminated Breast Milk: Identification of the Peak Period of Sensitivity and Assessment of Potential Recovery. 1991
Indoor Air Exposure to Coal and Wood Combustion Emissions Associated with a High Lung Cancer Rate in Xuan Wei, China. 1989
Indoor Air Sampling and Mutagenicity Studies of Emissions from Unvented Coal Combustion (Journal Version). 1987
Indoor Air Sampling and Mutagenicity Studies of Emissions from Unvented Coal Combustion (Journal Version). 1987
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