Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 49
Showing: Items 1 - 49
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Hansen AND C AND A)

Select Item Title Year Published
Acute and Chronic Toxicity of Ammonia to Marine Fish and a Mysid. 1990
Aggressive Water: Assessing the Extent of the Problem. 1980
Air Monitoring and Air Action Levels : a Case Study of the Brio Refining Superfund Site. 1994
Detection of Early Changes in Lung Cell Cytology by Flow-Systems Analysis Techniques. 1976
Diazinon (Trade Name): Chronic Toxicity to, and Brain Acetylcholinesterase Inhibition in, the Sheepshead Minnow, 'Cyprinodon variegatus'. 1979
Drinking water criteria document for nickel / 1985
Drinking Water Criteria Document for Styrene (Final Draft). 1985
Drinking Water Criteria Document for Styrene (Final), January 1988. 1988
Drinking water criteria document for styrene / 1991
Drinking water criteria document for styrene / 1985
Ecological Characterization of Rocky Mountain Montane and Subalpine Wetlands. 1986
Effective cattle management in riparian zones : a field survey and literature review / 1997
Effects of the Synthetic Pyrethroids AC 222,705, Permethrin and Fenvalerate on Sheepshead Minnows in Early Life Stage Toxicity Tests. 1983
Endrin: Effects on the Entire Life Cycle of a Saltwater Fish 'Cyprinodon variegatus'. 1977
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Treatability Database. 1988
Estimating costs for water treatment as a function of size and treatment efficiency / 1978
Estimating water treatment costs : Volume 2 : Cost curves applicable to 1 to 200 mgd treatment plants / 1979
Estimating Water Treatment Costs, Volume 2: Cost Curves Applicable to 1 to 200 mgd Treatment Plants 1979
Estimating water treatment costs. Volume 3, Cost curves applicable to 2,500 gpd to 1 mgd treatment plants / 1979
Estimating water treatment costs. Volume I, Summary / 1979
Estimation of small system water treatment costs / 1985
Estimation of small system water treatment costs / 1985
Farming practices and concentrations of fission products in milk / 1968
Global Positioning Systems technology systems: technical implementation guidelines [MICROFICHE] / 2002
Ground-water map of the Clayville Quadrangle, Rhode Island : showing water-bearing formations and related ground-water data / 1962
Guidelines for deriving numerical national water quality criteria for the protection of aquatic organisms and their uses / 1985
Handling and disposal of sludges from combined sewer overflow treatment. Phase 1, Characterization / 1977
Improved transpiration method for the measurement of very low vapor pressures 1986
Industrial Machinery Noise Impact Modeling. Volume I. 1981
Industrial Machinery Noise Impact Modeling. Volume II. Appendices. 1981
Interim guidance on determination and use of water-effect ratios for metals / 1994
Measurement of emissions from a modern ammonium nitrate manufacturing plant : Swift Chemical Company, Beaumont, Texas / 1980
Method for Early Life-Stage Toxicity Tests Using Three Atherinid Fishes and Results with Chlorpyrifos. 1985
New Early Life-Stage Toxicity Test Using the California Grunion (Leuresthes tenuis) and Results with Chlorpyrifos. 1985
Prey fish communities as indicators of ecosystem health in Lake Michigan : project completion report submitted to US Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Research Laboratory / 1995
Procedures for the derivation of equilibrium partitioning sediment benchmarks (ESBs) for the protection of benthic organisms : PAH mixtures / 2003
Proposed technical basis for establishing sediment quality criteria for nonionic organic chemicals using equilibrium partitioning / 1991
Radiological survey and evaluation fo the fallout area from the Trinity test : Chupadera Mesa and White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico / 1985
Sand/Granular Carbon Filtration Treatment System for Removing Aqueous Pesticide Residues from a Marine Toxicology Laboratory Effluent. 1985
Screening/Flotation treatment of combined sewer overflows : Volume II : full-scale operation Racine, Wisconsin / 1979
Screening/Flotation Treatment of Combined Sewer Overflows. Volume II: Full-Scale Operation, Racine, Wisconsin. Appendices. 1979
Small water system treatment costs 1986
Subtitle D landfill application manual for the multimedia exposure assessment model (MULTIMED) / 1993
Summary of hydrogeologic data from a test well (1,725 ft.) drilled in Tuckahoe State Park, Queen Anne's County, Maryland 1987
Time and moisture effects on total and bioavailable copper in soil water extracts / 2004
User's guide for the computer program REsponse FACtor / 1984
Waste minimization assessment for a manufacturer of new and reworked rotogravure printing cylinders / 1995
Waste minimization assessment for a steel fabricator / 1995
Waste minimization assessment for rotogravure printing cylinder manufacturing / 1995

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